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Evaluation of the Burst Properties of a Steam Generator Tube


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A steam generator is a bundle of tubes which transfer the heat of reactor to the turbine through the reactor cooling system. In the reactor cooling system, the steam generator tube is subject to inner pressure at reactor part and outer pressure at turbine part. The outer pressure has been often disregarded in the burst test of the steam generator tube, thus results may deviate from the real service condition. In this study, the burst properties of the steam generator tube in the real service condition were estimated. From the study, the following conclusions were obtained; (1) the burst pressure increase as the outer pressure increased (2) from the ring tensile test and the burst test, the fracture criterion of steam generator tube was proposed.
机译:蒸汽发生器是一束管,通过反应堆冷却系统将反应堆的热量传递到涡轮机。在反应堆冷却系统中,蒸汽发生器管在反应堆部分承受内部压力,在涡轮机部分承受外部压力。在蒸汽发生器管的爆破测试中常常忽略了外部压力,因此结果可能会偏离实际使用条件。在这项研究中,估计了在实际使用条件下蒸汽发生器管的破裂特性。从研究中得出以下结论: (1)爆破压力随外压的增加而增加(2)根据环拉伸试验和爆破试验,提出了蒸汽发生器管的断裂准则。



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