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An exercise program for carpometacarpal osteoarthritis based on biomechanical principles


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To the Editor: I was excited to see the article An Exercise Program for Carpo-metacarpal Osteoarthritis Based on Biomechanical Principles in the July-September 2012 issue of the Journal of Hand Therapy and always appreciate the time, effort, and dedication it takes to prepare such an article. 1 eagerly read the article looking for precise exercise recommendations for patients with thumb carpometa-carpal (CMC) osteoarthritis (OA) to see if they correlated with the conclusions I have drawn from my own less formal but extensive literature review and from my many years of clinical practice. I read and re-read many of the references, but still was unable to appreciate direct correlation of some of the exercises recommended in the illustrated Appendix B to the content of the article.
机译:致编者:我很高兴看到《手部治疗学杂志》 2012年7月至9月期发表了一篇文章《基于生物力学原理的腕掌骨性关节炎锻炼计划》,并且总是体会准备所花费的时间,精力和奉献精神这样的文章。 1急切地阅读该文章,为拇指腕掌骨(CMC)骨关节炎(OA)的患者寻求精确的运动建议,以了解它们是否与我从我自己的非正式但广泛的文献综述以及我多年的研究中得出的结论相关联临床实践。我阅读并重新阅读了许多参考资料,但仍然无法欣赏到插图附录B中推荐的某些练习与本文内容的直接相关性。



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