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Growth Kinetics and Silicon Diffusivity in MoSi_2 and WSi_2 Disilicides


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In the work experimental results on kinetics of silicide layers diffusive growth are presented at tungsten and molybdenum siliconizing in the medium of rarefied silane and silicon diffusion in WSi_2 and MoSi_2 phases at T = 850-1500 ℃ is studied. It is established that under the conditions considered a single-layer diffusive zone consisting of tungsten disilicide is formed on tungsten. On the molybdenum, alongside with MoSi_2 a Mo_5Si_3 layer is observed, however its thickness was approximately 10 times less than that of MoSi_2 layer and does not vary considerably during the process. Based on experimentally determined parabolic growth constants silicon diffusion coefficients in the WSi_2 and MoSi_2 phases are determined. For their temperature dependences the following expressions are derived: D_(WSi2)~(Si) = 4.96·10~(-2) exp(-38000 ± 2500/RT), cm~2/s D_(MoSi2)~(Si) = 2.46·10~(-2) exp(-35000 ± 2500/RT), cm~2/s.
机译:在工作中,给出了硅和硅在稀薄硅烷介质中硅化扩散扩散生长的动力学实验结果,研究了硅在T = 850-1500℃下在WSi_2和MoSi_2相中的扩散。已经确定,在所考虑的条件下,在钨上形成由二硅化钨构成的单层扩散区。在钼上,与MoSi_2一起观察到Mo_5Si_3层,但是其厚度大约是MoSi_2层的10倍,并且在此过程中变化不大。基于实验确定的抛物线生长常数,确定WSi_2和MoSi_2相中的硅扩散系数。对于它们的温度依赖性,得出以下表达式:D_(WSi2)〜(Si)= 4.96·10〜(-2)exp(-38000±2500 / RT),cm〜2 / s D_(MoSi2)〜(Si) = 2.46·10〜(-2)exp(-35000±2500 / RT),cm〜2 /秒



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