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Childhood stuttering and dissociations across linguistic domains: a replication and extension.


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The purpose of this investigation was to replicate the methods of Anderson, Pellowski, and Conture (2005) to determine whether a different sample of preschool children who stutter (CWS) exhibit more dissociations in speech-language abilities than children who do not stutter (CWNS; Study 1) and to examine the relation between dissociations and specific characteristics of stuttering (e.g., most common disfluency type) using a much larger sample size (Study 2). Participants for Study 1 were 40 CWS and 40 CWNS between the ages of 3;0 and 5;11. Participants for Study 2 were the same as for Study 1 plus the 45 CWS and 45 CWNS used by Anderson et al. (2005) for a total of 85 CWS and 85 CWNS. Participants were administered five standardized speech-language (sub)tests and a conversational speech sample was obtained from each participant for the analyses of speech disfluencies/stuttering. Standard scores from the standardized speech-language tests were analyzed using a correlation-based statistical procedure (Bates, Applebaum, Sacedo, Saygin, & Pizzamiglio, 2003) to identify possible dissociations among the speech-language measures. Findings from Study 1 supported Anderson et al.'s findings that CWS exhibited significantly more speech-language dissociations than CWNS. Results from Study 2 further revealed that CWS who exhibited dissociations were more likely to exhibit non-stuttered (other) disfluencies as their most common disfluency type. Findings provide further support for the possibility that dissociations among various aspects of the speech-language system may contribute to the difficulties that some children have establishing normally fluent speech. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: The reader will be able to: (a) summarize findings from previous studies examining the speech and language performance of children who do and do not stutter; (b) describe the concept of "dissociations" in the speech and language skills of young children; (c) compare the results of the present study with previous work in this area; and (d) discuss speculations concerning the manner in which dissociations might affect fluency development in children who stutter.
机译:本研究的目的是复制Anderson,Pellowski和Conture(2005)的方法,以确定是否有其他口吃(CWS)的学龄前儿童样本比没有口吃(CWNS)的儿童表现出更多的语言分离能力;研究1),并使用更大的样本量来研究解离与口吃的特定特征(例如,最常见的流利类型)之间的关系(研究2)。研究1的参与者为3; 0和5; 11之间的40个CWS和40个CWNS。研究2的参与者与研究1相同,但Anderson等人使用的45 CWS和45 CWNS相同。 (2005),共有85个CWS和85个CWNS。为参加者进行了五次标准化的语言测试,并从每位参加者那里获得了对话式语音样本,用于分析语音不满/口吃的情况。使用基于相关的统计程序(Bates,Applebaum,Sacedo,Saygin和Pizzamiglio,2003年)对来自标准语音测试的标准分数进行分析,以识别语音测量之间可能的分离。研究1的发现支持了Anderson等人的发现,即CWS比CWNS表现出更多的语言分离。研究2的结果进一步表明,表现出解离的CWS更可能表现出非口吃的(其他)不满,这是它们最常见的不满类型。研究结果进一步支持了语音语言系统各个方面之间的分离可能导致一些孩子建立正常流利语音的困难。教育目标:读者将能够:(a)总结以往研究中发现和发现口吃和不口吃儿童的言语和语言表现的发现; (b)在幼儿的言语和语言能力中描述“分离”的概念; (c)将本研究的结果与该领域以前的工作进行比较; (d)讨论关于解离可能影响口吃儿童口语发展的方式的推测。



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