首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Functional Analysis >The Yang-Mills functional and Laplace's equation on quantum Heisenberg manifolds

The Yang-Mills functional and Laplace's equation on quantum Heisenberg manifolds


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In this paper, we discuss the Yang-Mills functional and a certain family of its critical points on quantum Heisenberg manifolds using noncommutative geometrical methods developed by A. Connes and M. Rieffel. In our main result, we construct a certain family of connections on a projective module over a quantum Heisenberg manifold that gives rise to critical points of the Yang-Mills functional. Moreover, we show that there is a relationship between this particular family of critical points of the Yang-Mills functional and Laplace's equation on multiplication-type, skew-symmetric elements of quantum Heisenberg manifolds; recall that Laplacian is the leading term for the coupled set of equations making up the Yang-Mills equation.
机译:在本文中,我们使用A. Connes和M. Rieffel开发的非交换几何方法讨论了量子海森堡流形上的Yang-Mills泛函及其临界点的某些族。在我们的主要结果中,我们在量子Heisenberg流形上的射影模块上构造了一定的连接族,从而引起了Yang-Mills泛函的临界点。而且,我们证明了在杨-米尔斯函数的这个特殊的临界点族和量子海森堡流形的倍增型,对称对称元素上的拉普拉斯方程之间存在关联。回想一下,拉普拉斯算子是构成Yang-Mills方程的耦合方程组的主导项。



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