首页> 外文期刊>Journal of forensic sciences. >Discrimination of falls and blows in blunt head trauma: a multi-criteria approach.

Discrimination of falls and blows in blunt head trauma: a multi-criteria approach.


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In the discrimination of falls versus blows, the hat brim line (HBL) rule is mentioned in several textbooks as the most useful single criterion. Recent studies, however, have found that the HBL rule is only moderately valid and that its use on its own is not recommended. The purpose of this 6-year retrospective study was to find additional individually useful criteria in the distinction of falls from blows. Overall, the following criteria were found to point toward blows: more than three lacerations, laceration length of 7 cm or more, comminuted or depressed calvarial fractures, lacerations or fractures located above the HBL, left-side lateralization of lacerations or fractures, more than four facial contusions or lacerations, presence of ear lacerations, presence of facial fractures, and presence of postcranial osseous and/or visceral trauma. Based on the most discriminating criteria, a decision tree was constructed to be potentially applicable to future cases.
机译:在区分跌落与打击时,在几本教科书中提到帽檐线(HBL)规则是最有用的单个标准。但是,最近的研究发现,HBL规则仅在一定程度上有效,不建议单独使用它。这项为期6年的回顾性研究的目的是找出区分跌倒和打击的其他个别有用标准。总体而言,发现以下标准指向击打:三个以上裂伤,裂伤长度为7 cm或更长,颅骨粉碎性骨折或凹陷性裂伤,位于HBL上方的裂伤或骨折,裂伤或骨折的左侧偏侧化,大于四个面部挫伤或撕裂伤,耳朵撕裂伤,面部骨折以及颅后骨和/或内脏损伤。基于最有区别的标准,决策树被构造为可能适用于将来的案例。



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