首页> 外文期刊>Journal of ethology >Development of preference for baby faces across species In humans (Homo sapiens)

Development of preference for baby faces across species In humans (Homo sapiens)


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Previous studies have revealed that there is a close relationship between the strength of an infant's baby schema and the degree of its perceived cuteness. The present study investigated the development of preference for baby schema in humans by examining the recognition of the cuteness of baby faces; two studies were conducted to examine whether children's evaluation of cuteness differed from that of adults. Facial photographs not only of humans (Homo sapiens), but a chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes}, rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), dogs (Canis familiaris) and cats (Felis sylvestris catus) at different ages were used as stimuli. The volunteers were requested to rank these photographs in order of cuteness. Study 1 suggested that there was a range of period during which adults perceived the faces of these five species to be the cutest. Study 2 indicated that children's judgment of cuteness closely corresponded to that of the adults. In conclusion, the preference for baby schema is observed in humans even before they get to be sexually mature enough to reproduce. Childhood preference for baby schema might be the basis of social learning, including caretaking behaviors.
机译:先前的研究表明,婴儿的婴儿图式的强度与其感知的可爱程度之间存在密切的关系。本研究通过检查对婴儿面孔可爱性的认识,调查了人类对婴儿图式偏好的发展。进行了两项研究,以检验儿童对可爱度的评价是否与成年人不同。不仅使用人类(智人)的面部照片,还使用了不同年龄的黑猩猩(穴居人),兔子(穴兔),狗(犬似犬)和猫(Felis sylvestris catus)的面部照片。对这些照片按可爱程度进行排序,研究1指出,成年人在一定时期内会觉得这五个物种的脸是最可爱的;研究2表明,儿童对可爱的判断与成年人的判断密切相关。结论是,人们甚至在性成熟之前就已经观察到对婴儿模式的偏爱,儿童期对婴儿模式的偏爱可能是社会学习的基础,包括照料行为。



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