首页> 外文期刊>Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology >Relationships of online exhaled, offline exhaled, and ambient nitric oxide in an epidemiologic survey of schoolchildren.

Relationships of online exhaled, offline exhaled, and ambient nitric oxide in an epidemiologic survey of schoolchildren.


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Field measurements of exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) and ambient nitric oxide (NO) are useful to assess both respiratory health and short-term air pollution exposure. Online real-time measurement maximizes data quality and comparability with clinical studies, but offline delayed measurement may be more practical for large epidemiological studies. To facilitate cross-comparison in larger studies, we measured FeNO and concurrent ambient NO both online and offline in 362 children at 14 schools in 8 Southern California communities. Offline breath samples were collected in bags at 100 ml/s expiratory flow with deadspace discard; online FeNO was measured at 50 ml/s. Scrubbing of ambient NO from inhaled air appeared to be nearly 100% effective online, but 50-75% effective offline. Offline samples were stored at 2-8 degrees C and analyzed 2-26 h later at a central laboratory. Offline and online FeNO showed a nearly (but not completely) linear relationship (R(2)=0.90); unadjusted means (ranges) were 10 (4-94) and 15 (3-181) p.p.b., respectively. Ambient NO concentration range was 0-212 p.p.b. Offline FeNO was positively related to ambient NO (r=0.30, P<0.0001), unlike online FeNO (r=0.09, P=0.08), indicating that ambient NO artifactually influenced offline measurements. Offline FeNO differed between schools (P<0.001); online FeNO did not (P=0.26), suggesting artifacts related to offline bag storage and transport. Artifact effects were small in comparison with between-subject variance of FeNO. An empirical statistical model predicting individual online FeNO from offline FeNO, ambient NO, and lag time before offline analysis gave R(2)=0.94. Analyses of school or age differences yielded similar results from measured or model-predicted online FeNO. Conclusions: Either online or offline measurement of exhaled NO and concurrent ambient NO can be useful in field epidemiology. Influence of ambient NO on exhaled NO should be examined carefully, particularly for offline measurements.
机译:呼出一氧化氮(FeNO)和环境一氧化氮(NO)的现场测量对于评估呼吸系统健康状况和短期空气污染暴露很有用。在线实时测量可最大程度地提高数据质量和与临床研究的可比性,但离线延迟测量对于大型流行病学研究可能更为实用。为便于在更大的研究中进行交叉比较,我们在南加州8个社区的14所学校的362名儿童中在线和离线测量了FeNO和同时存在的环境NO。将脱机呼吸样本以100 ml / s的呼气流量收集在袋子中,并弃去死空间。在线FeNO的测量速度为50 ml / s。从吸入空气中清除环境NO似乎在线上有效近100%,而离线下有效50-75%。离线样品存储在2-8摄氏度,并在2-26小时后在中心实验室进行分析。离线和在线FeNO显示几乎(但不是完全)线性关系(R(2)= 0.90);未经调整的均值(范围)分别为10(4-94)和15(3-181)p.p.b. NO浓度范围是0-212 p.p.b.与在线FeNO(r = 0.09,P = 0.08)不同,离线FeNO与环境NO呈正相关(r = 0.30,P <0.0001),表明环境NO人为地影响离线测量。离线FeNO在学校之间有所不同(P <0.001);在线FeNO没有(P = 0.26),表明与离线袋的存储和运输有关的伪像。与FeNO的个体间差异相比,伪影效应较小。一个从离线FeNO,环境NO和离线分析之前的滞后时间预测单个在线FeNO的经验统计模型,得出R(2)= 0.94。从测量或模型预测的在线FeNO得出的对学龄或年龄差异的分析得出了相似的结果。结论:在线或离线测量呼出的NO和同时存在的周围NO可以在现场流行病学中使用。应仔细检查环境NO对呼出NO的影响,尤其是对于离线测量。



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