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ISEE Chapters Collaborate with Regulators to Form Reasonable Regulation on License Suspension and Revocation Procedures


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The Eastern PA Chapter and Mid-Atlantic Chapter recently worked to help develop reasonable regulation in Pennsylvania. The process serves as a model for industry and regulators on working together to develop regulations that serve the best interest of both government and the public they represent, and industry. In May, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP) proposed a new Blasters License Suspension and Revocation Procedure. According to the chapter, the proposal lacked definitions for violations, objective procedures for evaluation, and reasonable due process for the violator. The Eastern PA chapter leaders immediately took action, discussing the proposal with members at their May 22nd chapter meeting, requesting written comment from chapter members, participating in several industry conference calls, preparing a letter to PA DEP Chief of Explosives and Safety, Rick Lamkie, which requested a nearby meeting among other things, and organizing industry representatives to attend the requested meeting.
机译:东宾夕法尼亚分会和大西洋中部分会最近致力于帮助宾夕法尼亚州制定合理的法规。该流程可作为行业和监管机构共同努力制定法规的典范,这些法规服务于他们所代表的政府和公众以及行业的最大利益。 5月,宾夕法尼亚州环境保护局(PA DEP)提出了新的《冲击波许可证暂停和撤销程序》。根据本章的内容,该提案缺乏有关违规的定义,客观的评估程序以及针对违规者的合理正当程序。宾夕法尼亚州东部分会负责人立即采取行动,在5月22日的会议上与成员讨论了该提案,要求该分会成员提出书面评论,参加了几次行业电话会议,并写信给PA DEP炸药和安全负责人Rick Lamkie,除其他事项外,该会议要求召开附近的会议,并组织行业代表参加请求的会议。



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