首页> 外文期刊>Journal of food, agriculture & environment >Use of geospatial technology in a precision soil fertility investigation of a farmland for arable crop production in a tropical environment

Use of geospatial technology in a precision soil fertility investigation of a farmland for arable crop production in a tropical environment


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The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and the Global Positioning System (GPS) were the two geospatial technologies used in a precision soil fertility investigation of a thirty five hectare farmland for arable crop production in Akure (7 degrees 15'N, 5 degrees 15'E), Nigeria. The research was carried out from January to May 2008. The latitude and longitude of the farmland were taken with the global position system receiver and the data input into the computer system. ArcView 3.3 software programme was used to generate the boundary of the farmland from the coordinates while the topographic and slope maps were generated with the elevation data. The soil fertility investigation was carried out by locating sampling pits for soil samples collection on the basis of soil slope relationship for which the entire landscape was categorized into two slope types of 0.5 to 8% and 8 to 15%. Soil samples were collected at surface (0-30 cm) and subsoil (30-100 cm) across the slopes for the soil physical and chemical properties. The average values of soil data were computed using ArcView statistical analysis tools. The results of analysis showed the soil to be sandy loam in the surface and sandy clay loam in the subsoil. The gravel content was higher in the subsoil compared to surface soil and the soil which was slightly acidic to neutral had higher organic matter, total exchangeable bases and cation exchange capacity in the surface soil compared to the subsoil. The soil fertility was adjudged to be of moderate productivity and found suitable for arable crop production but can only be sustained with addition of organic and inorganic fertilizers in a continuous cropping over the years. The application of geospatial technologies had generated a digital map of the farmland to make possible a periodic review of the fertility status.
机译:地理信息系统(GIS)和全球定位系统(GPS)是在阿库雷地区(7度15'N,5度15')对35公顷农田进行耕作的精确土壤肥力调查中使用的两种地理空间技术E),尼日利亚。该研究于2008年1月至2008年5月进行。农田的纬度和经度是通过全球定位系统接收器并将数据输入计算机系统进行的。使用ArcView 3.3软件程序从坐标生成农田边界,同时使用高程数据生成地形图和坡度图。土壤肥力的调查是通过根据土壤坡度关系确定采样点的位置来进行土壤样品收集的,土壤坡度关系将整个景观分为两种坡度类型,分别为0.5%至8%和8%至15%。在土壤(0-30厘米)和地下(30-100厘米)的土层上采集土壤样品,以了解土壤的物理和化学特性。使用ArcView统计分析工具计算土壤数据的平均值。分析结果表明,土壤表层为沙壤土,下层土壤为沙质壤土。与地表土壤相比,地表土壤中的砾石含量更高,而略带酸性至中性的土壤与地表土壤相比具有更高的有机质,总可交换碱和阳离子交换能力。判断土壤肥力为中等生产力,发现适合耕种作物,但多年来只能通过连续施用有机和无机肥料来维持。地理空间技术的应用已经产生了农田的数字地图,从而有可能定期审查生育状况。



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