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On-the-go soil mechanical strength measurement at different soil depths


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Soil compaction limits root penetration below the plowing depth, reduces yields and makes plants more susceptible to drought stress. Applying uniform-depth tillage over the entire field to manage the soil compaction may be either too shallow or too deep and it can be costly. Variable-depth or site-specific tillage technology optimizes soil physical properties only where the tillage is needed by applying tillage at the required depth. Therefore, there is a need for a technology to determine the tillage depth based on soil mechanical strength at different depths of soil. Since soil cone penetrometers require a stop-and-go operation that can be time-consuming and costly, on-the-go measurement methods of soil mechanical strength have been investigated by some researchers. A measuring system with multiple instrumented shanks was designed and built to measure mechanical impedance of soil at different depths over the entire top 40 cm of the soil profile while moving through the soil. This system allows shanks for the simultaneous measurement of soil mechanical resistance at four depths, while moving through the field. The design allowed 10 cm of measurement depth per instrumented shank. Each instrumented shank consisted of an extended octagonal load cells. Each shank was calibrated in the lab by applying known forces and measuring output voltages. DT800 data logger (data Taker Co., UK) was used for data collection. Soil strength data was collected at 150 Hz. The instrumented measurement system was calibrated against cone penetrometer readings at same depth intervals by collecting intensive geo-referenced penetrometer data from a predetermined path and then running instrumented system with multiple shanks in the same path. The penetrometer data was averaged over 10 cm intervals and compared to the average force measurements from each instrumented shank of measurement system. There was a correlation with R-2 = 0.77 (the least correlation coefficient) at 0-10 cm depth and R-2 = 0.83 (the most correlation coefficient) at 30-40 cm depth between soil cone penetrometer data and instrumented measurement system values.
机译:土壤压实将根的渗透限制在耕作深度以下,降低产量,并使植物更容易受到干旱胁迫的影响。在整个田间进行均匀深度的耕作以控制土壤压实可能太浅或太深,这可能会导致成本高昂。可变深度或特定地点的耕作技术仅通过在所需深度进行耕作,仅在需要耕作的地方优化土壤物理特性。因此,需要一种基于不同土壤深度的土壤机械强度来确定耕作深度的技术。由于土壤锥度计需要停一停式操作,这既费时又费钱,所以一些研究人员已经研究了土壤机械强度的连续测量方法。设计并构建了具有多根仪器柄的测量系统,以在穿过土壤时在整个土壤剖面的整个顶部40厘米处测量不同深度处的土壤机械阻抗。该系统允许小腿在田间移动时同时测量四个深度的土壤机械阻力。该设计允许每个器械柄10 cm的测量深度。每个工具柄由一个扩展的八角形称重传感器组成。在实验室中,通过施加已知力并测量输出电压来对每个柄进行校准。 DT800数据记录仪(英国Data Taker Co.)用于数据收集。在150Hz下收集土壤强度数据。通过从预定路径收集密集的,以地理为基准的针入度计数据,然后在同一路径中运行带有多根柄的仪器化系统,以相同的深度间隔针对锥形针入度计读数校准仪器。渗透计的数据在10厘米间隔内取平均值,并与来自测量系统每个仪器柄的平均力测量值进行比较。在土壤锥度仪数据和仪器测量系统值之间,在0-10 cm深度处R-2 = 0.77(最小相关系数)和在30-40 cm深度处R-2 = 0.83(最大相关系数)具有相关性。 。



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