首页> 外文期刊>Journal of genetic counseling >Genetic Risk Communication: Experiences of Adolescent Girls and Young Women from Families with Fragile X Syndrome

Genetic Risk Communication: Experiences of Adolescent Girls and Young Women from Families with Fragile X Syndrome


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Little is known about how and what genetic risk information parents communicate to their children and even less is known about what children hear and remember. To address this void, we explored how genetic risk information was learned, what information was given and who primarily provided information to adolescent girls and young adult women in families with fragile X syndrome. We explored three levels of risk knowledge: learning that fragile X syndrome was an inherited disorder, that they could be a carrier, and for those who had been tested, actual carrier status. These data were collected as part of a study that also explored adolescent self concept and age preferences about when to inform about genetic risk. Those findings have been presented separately. The purpose of this paper is to present the communication data. Using a multi-group cross-sectional design this study focused on girls ages 14-25 years from families previously diagnosed with fragile X syndrome, 1) who knew they were carriers (n = 20), 2) noncarriers (n = 18), or 3) at-risk to be carriers (n = 15). For all three stages of information the majority of the study participants were informed by a family member. We identified three different communication styles: open, sought information, and indirect. The content of the remembered conversations varied based on the stage of genetic risk information being disclosed as well as the girls' knowledge of her own carrier status. Girls who had been tested and knew their actual carrier status were more likely to report an open communication pattern than girls who knew only that they were at-risk.
机译:人们对父母如何与子女交流遗传风险信息的方式以及所知甚少,而对子女听到和记忆的信息知之甚少。为了解决这一空白,我们探索了如何学习遗传风险信息,提供了哪些信息以及谁主要向患有脆性X综合征的家庭中的少女和成年女性提供信息。我们探索了三个风险知识水平:了解到脆性X综合征是一种遗传性疾病,它们可能是携带者,对于经过测试的人来说,它们是实际携带者状态。这些数据是作为一项研究的一部分收集的,该研究还探讨了青少年自我概念和年龄偏好有关何时告知遗传风险的信息。这些发现已分别提出。本文的目的是介绍通信数据。本研究采用多组横断面设计,研究对象为先前诊断为脆弱X综合征的家庭中14-25岁的女孩,1)知道自己是携带者(n = 20),2)非携带者(n = 18),或3)有风险携带者(n = 15)。对于所有这三个信息阶段,大多数研究参与者都是由家庭成员告知的。我们确定了三种不同的交流方式:公开,寻求信息和间接交流。记忆的对话内容根据遗传风险信息的披露阶段以及女孩对自己的携带者身份的了解而有所不同。与仅知道自己有危险的女孩相比,经过测试并知道其实际携带者身份的女孩更有可能报告开放的交流方式。



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