首页> 外文期刊>Journal of general plant pathology >Isolation and characterization of a novel potyvirus tentatively named Ornithogalum virus 2.

Isolation and characterization of a novel potyvirus tentatively named Ornithogalum virus 2.


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A novel potyvirus, tentatively named Ornithogalum virus 2 (OV-2) because only its nucleotide sequence of the coat protein gene has been revealed, was isolated for the first time from Ornithogalum thyrsoides. OV-2 had a flexuous particle (700-740 nm in length) and was sap and aphid transmissible. The virus had a narrow host range; of 36 test plants in 12 families, only O. thyrsoides and O. dubium were infected. Because the virus caused characteristic stripe mosaic on O. thyrsoides, we propose Ornithogalum stripe mosaic virus (OrSMV), instead of OV-2 for the proper name of the virus.
机译:由于只揭示了外壳蛋白基因的核苷酸序列,因此首次从甲状旁腺甲壳虫中分离出了一种新型的杯状病毒,暂定名为鸟眼病毒2(OV-2)。 OV-2具有弯曲的粒子(长度为700-740 nm),并且可透过汁液和蚜虫传播。该病毒的宿主范围很窄。在12个科的36个试验植物中,只有O. thyrsoides和O. dubium被感染。由于该病毒在O. thyrsoides上引起了特征性条带镶嵌,因此我们建议使用虎眼万年青条带镶嵌病毒(OrSMV)代替OV-2作为该病毒的专有名称。



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