首页> 外文期刊>Journal of general plant pathology >Population structure of Eleusine isolates of Pyricularia oryzae and its evolutionary implications

Population structure of Eleusine isolates of Pyricularia oryzae and its evolutionary implications


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Population structure of Eleusine isolates of Pyricularia oryzae (Magnaporthe oryzae) was examined using DNA markers. On the basis of rDNA sequences, Eleusine isolates were divided into two groups. One group clustered with Triticum isolates, while the other clustered with Eragrostis isolates. This grouping was supported by DNA fingerprinting with three repetitive elements: MGR586, MGR583, and grasshopper. These results suggest that the population of Eleusine isolates is composed of at least two groups that evolved independently from the original population of P. oryzae. Most of the isolates that were collected just after an outbreak of finger millet blast in the 1970s had almost identical fingerprint profiles although they were collected in distant prefectures. This result supports the idea that the outbreak was caused by seed transmission of a particular strain of Eleusine isolates.
机译:使用DNA标记检查稻瘟病菌(Magnaporthe oryzae)的亮氨酸分离株的种群结构。根据rDNA序列,将亮氨酸分离物分为两组。一组与小麦分离株成簇,而另一组与Eragrostis分离株成簇。通过具有三个重复元素的DNA指纹图谱支持此分组:MGR586,MGR583和蚱hopper。这些结果表明,亮氨酸分离株的群体至少由两个独立于米曲霉原始群体进化而来的群体组成。尽管在遥远的州收集到的1970年代手指粟爆炸爆发后收集的大多数分离株具有几乎相同的指纹图谱。该结果支持这样的想法,即爆发是由特定菌株的亮氨酸分离株的种子传播引起的。



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