首页> 外文期刊>Journal of forest research >Morphological variation along the sea-land gradient: trees in a subtropical maritime woodland.

Morphological variation along the sea-land gradient: trees in a subtropical maritime woodland.


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As long-lived sessile organisms, trees demonstrate morphological variability in response to the environmental conditions encountered in a particular local habitat. However, the detection of such variation on a small spatial scale may not be straightforward. In this study we investigated the morphological variation of trees along the edge-interior gradient of a small subtropical-temperate coastal woodland in Amakusa, western Kyushu, Japan. The woodland was located on a narrow sand-spit surrounded by the sea, thus exposed to intense marine influences. In three dominant tree species, Quercus glauca, Ligustrum japonicum, and Pittosporum tobira, the tendency of multi-stemming was significantly greater on the seaward edge of the woodland and declined towards the interior. Furthermore, tree height and size (cross-sectional area at breast height) declined and canopy openness increased towards the woodland edge. In Q. glauca and L. japonicum, shoot growth was more pronounced in the interior than on the edge (i.e. shorter shoots with wider spacing in the latter habitat). Thus, spatial variation in tree structure manifested clearly as shorter height with greater multi-stemming tendencies and greater canopy openness (more spacing among branches/shoots) towards the woodland edge where more light is available and the effects of sea wind and salt spray are greater.
机译:作为长寿命的无柄生物,树木表现出对特定局部生境中遇到的环境条件的响应而产生的形态变异。然而,在小空间尺度上检测这种变化可能不是直接的。在这项研究中,我们调查了日本九州西部天草的一个小的亚热带-温带沿海林地沿边缘-内部梯度的树木形态变化。林地位于被大海包围的狭窄的沙坑中,因此受到强烈的海洋影响。在三种优势树种中,欧洲栎(Quercus glauca),日本女贞(Ligustrum japonicum)和匹氏梭状芽胞杆菌(Pittosporum tobira)在沿海边缘多茎化的趋势明显更大。林地,并向内部倾斜。此外,树木的高度和大小(胸高处的横截面积)下降,朝向林地边缘的树冠开放度增加。在 Q。 glauca 和 L。粳稻,在内部的生长比在边缘的生长更明显(例如,较短的芽,在后一个生境中的间距更大)。因此,树木结构的空间变化清楚地表现为:高度较短,具有更多的多茎生长趋势,朝向林地边缘的树冠开放度更大(分支/枝条之间的间距更大),朝向林地边缘,那里有更多的光线可用,并且海风和盐雾的影响更大。



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