首页> 外文期刊>Journal of forest research >Results of preliminary selection for the second generation plus trees by private foresters in three genetic tests with controlled pollinated progenies of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) in Kyushu

Results of preliminary selection for the second generation plus trees by private foresters in three genetic tests with controlled pollinated progenies of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) in Kyushu

机译:九州的杉树(Cryptomeria japonica)授粉后代的三个遗传测试中,私人林务员对第二代加树的初步选择结果

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Second-generation plus tree selections were assessed in three genetic tests of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) in Kyushu: at Kumamoto, Saga, and Miyazaki. The selections were made by private foresters choosing good trees according to their own preferences when the tests were around 30 years of age. A retrospective selection index applied to the results of selection revealed that the foresters had put more emphasis on stem straightness than on growth. This trend was particularly evident at Kumamoto, whereas the foresters at Miyazaki and Saga had allocated nearly the same weight to growth as to stem straightness. Broad-sense heritabilities on dbh, stem straightness and bottom stem crookedness were 0.226, 0.256, and 0.206, respectively. These estimates were regarded as almost the same as narrow-sense heritabilities, because non-additive genetic variances were found to be small. Relative gains, assuming that the selections are propagated with rooted cuttings, were predicted to be around 10% for stem straightness, 7% for bottom-stem crookedness, while the gains on dbh were variable among the tests: ranging from 3% at Kumamoto up to around 8% at Saga and Miyazaki.
机译:在九州的sugi(日本柳杉)的三个基因测试中评估了第二代和树木的选择:在熊本,佐贺和宫崎。测试是由私人林务员在30岁左右时根据自己的喜好选择好树木的。将回顾性选择指数应用于选择结果表明,林农更加重视茎的直度而不是生长。这种趋势在熊本县尤为明显,而宫崎骏和佐贺县的林务员则将几乎相同的重量分配给了与茎直度相同的生长。 dbh,茎直度和底部茎弯曲度的广义遗传力分别为0.226、0.256和0.206。这些估计值被认为与狭义遗传力几乎相同,因为发现非加性遗传方差很小。假设选择是随生根插条繁殖的,则相对增益预计为茎直度约10%,底部茎弯曲约7%,而dbh的增益在测试中变化不定:从熊本到3%佐贺县和宫崎县大约占8%。



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