首页> 外文期刊>Journal of child & adolescent substance abuse >Patterns of Drinking Initiation Among Latino Youths: Cognitive and Contextual Explanations of the Immigrant Paradox

Patterns of Drinking Initiation Among Latino Youths: Cognitive and Contextual Explanations of the Immigrant Paradox


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This study examined the immigrant paradox in drinking initiation among Latino youths and tested contextual (i.e., family, peer) and cognitive (i.e., alcohol expectancies, risk-taking) explanations of this pattern. A sample of 129 first- and second-generation (73%) youths completed the study. The estimated odds of starting to drink were 2.5 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.10-5.9) times higher for second-generation teens compared to first-generation youths. Negative expectancy valuations and perceptions of peer substance use simultaneously explained the generational increase in drinking initiation. Addressing these tractable mechanisms represents opportunities to delay initiation and help reduce emerging disparities among Latino youth.
机译:这项研究调查了拉丁美洲年轻人饮酒中的移民悖论,并测试了这种模式的背景(即家庭,同伴)和认知(即酒精期望,冒险)解释。 129名第一代和第二代青年(73%)的样本完成了研究。与第一代青少年相比,第二代青少年的估计开始喝酒的可能性高2.5倍(95%置信区间[CI]:1.10-5.9)。负期望值的评估和对同龄人物质使用的看法同时解释了饮酒开始的代际增加。解决这些棘手的机制代表了延迟启动并帮助减少拉丁美洲年轻人之间新出现的差距的机会。



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