首页> 外文期刊>Clinical rheumatology >Recommendations from the Community Oriented Program for Control of Rheumatic Disease for data collection for the measurement and monitoring of health in developing countries.

Recommendations from the Community Oriented Program for Control of Rheumatic Disease for data collection for the measurement and monitoring of health in developing countries.


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The history of the World Health Organization-International League of Associations for Rheumatology Community Oriented Program for Control of Rheumatic Disease (COPCORD) for developing countries is described. Due to lack of funding and manpower, the COPCORD concept is designed in three stages for execution. Stage I is a community-based epidemiology of rheumatism in three phases by rheumatologist but non-epidemiologist to save time, money, and costs. Stage II is education of treatment of rheumatism. Stage III is the identification of environmental and genetic risk factors of musculoskeletal disorders to prevent or minimize rheumatism. Since 1980, COPCORD has collected valid community-based epidemiological data, which are published in 42 papers since 1985 in various international rheumatology journals. The publications were from 19 developing countries in the Asia Pacific region, South America, Europe, and Africa. Stage II education is deemed to be more appropriate handled by allied rheumatology health professionals. Low back pain, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are the priority. The projected prevalence of RA in >4 billion people in countries of the South are between 8 and 12 million patients and urgently require adequate control. After 5-15 years, the consequences of RA are disability, reduced productivity, loss of career and income, lowered quality of life, and early mortality notwithstanding existing therapy. The application of the Biologic DMARDs in RA in the Third World for reasons of treatment costs from Dollars 15,000 to Dollars 25,000 per patient per year is not feasible. The majority of the Third World population has an income of less than USDollars 1.00 per day to less than USDollars 2,000.00 per capita. The COPCORD has designed and applied successfully the step-down bridge guidelines of intravenous and oral combination of five generic immunosuppressants in prospective observational studies of rheumatoid factor positive RA in Indonesia, China, and Iran. Recommendations of the COPCORD stages are submitted.
机译:描述了世界卫生组织-国际风湿病协会联盟面向发展中国家的风湿病社区控制计划(COPCORD)的历史。由于缺乏资金和人力,COPCORD概念分三个阶段进行设计。第一阶段是风湿病学家,非流行病学家在三个阶段进行的基于社区的风湿病流行病学研究,以节省时间,金钱和成本。第二阶段是风湿病的治疗教育。第三阶段是确定肌肉骨骼疾病的环境和遗传危险因素,以预防或减少风湿病。自1980年以来,COPCORD收集了有效的基于社区的流行病学数据,自1985年以来,这些数据已在42篇论文中发表在各种国际风湿病学期刊上。这些出版物来自亚太地区,南美,欧洲和非洲的19个发展中国家。联盟风湿病保健专业人员认为更适合进行II期教育。腰痛,骨关节炎,骨质疏松和类风湿关节炎(RA)是优先考虑的事情。南方国家的40亿人口中RA的预计患病率在8到1200万之间,迫切需要适当控制。 5-15年后,尽管已有治疗,但RA的后果是残疾,生产力下降,职业和收入损失,生活质量下降和早期死亡。由于每位患者每年15,000美元到25,000美元的治疗费用,在第三世界地区的RA中应用生物DMARD是不可行的。第三世界的大多数人口每天的收入低于1.00美元/人,低于人均2,000.00美元/人。 COPCORD在印度尼西亚,中国和伊朗的类风湿因子阳性RA的前瞻性观察研究中成功设计并应用了五种通用免疫抑制剂静脉内和口服组合的降压桥指南。提交了COPCORD阶段的建议。



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