首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Fish Biology >Excretory nitrogen metabolism and defence against ammonia toxicity in air-breathing fishes

Excretory nitrogen metabolism and defence against ammonia toxicity in air-breathing fishes


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With the development of air-breathing capabilities, some fishes can emerge from water, make excursions onto land or even burrow into mud during droughts. Air-breathing fishes have modified gill morphology and morphometry and accessory breathing organs, which would tend to reduce branchial ammonia excretion. As ammonia is toxic, air-breathing fishes, especially amphibious ones, are equipped with various strategies to ameliorate ammonia toxicity during emersion or ammonia exposure. These strategies can be categorized into (1) enhancement of ammonia excretion and reduction of ammonia entry, (2) conversion of ammonia to a less toxic product for accumulation and subsequent excretion, (3) reduction of ammonia production and avoidance of ammonia accumulation and (4) tolerance of ammonia at cellular and tissue levels. Active ammonia excretion, operating in conjunction with lowering of ambient pH and reduction in branchial and cutaneous NH3 permeability, is theoretically the most effective strategy to maintain low internal ammonia concentrations. NH3 volatilization involves the alkalization of certain epithelial surfaces and requires mechanisms to prevent NH3 back flux. Urea synthesis is an energy-intensive process and hence uncommon among air-breathing teleosts. Aestivating African lungfishes detoxify ammonia to urea and the accumulated urea is excreted following arousal. Reduction in ammonia production is achieved in some air-breathing fishes through suppression of amino acid catabolism and proteolysis, or through partial amino acid catabolism leading to alanine formation. Others can slow down ammonia accumulation through increased glutamine synthesis in the liver and muscle. Yet, some others develop high tolerance of ammonia at cellular and tissue levels, including tissues in the brain. In summary, the responses of air-breathing fishes to ameliorate ammonia toxicity are many and varied, determined by the behaviour of the species and the nature of the environment in which it lives.
机译:随着呼吸能力的发展,一些鱼类可能会从水中出来,在干旱期间到陆地上远足,甚至挖成泥浆。气息鱼类改变了g的形态,形态和附属呼吸器官,这往往会减少branch氨的排泄。由于氨是有毒的,所以呼吸空气的鱼类,特别是两栖鱼类,配备了多种策略来减轻浮游或氨暴露期间的氨毒性。这些策略可以归类为(1)增强氨的排泄和减少氨的进入;(2)将氨转化为毒性较小的产物以进行积累和随后的排泄;(3)减少氨的产生并避免氨的积累,以及( 4)在细胞和组织水平对氨的耐受性。从理论上讲,活性氨排泄与降低环境pH值以及降低分支和皮肤NH3渗透性一起运作,是保持低内部氨浓度的最有效策略。 NH3挥发涉及某些上皮表面的碱化,并需要防止NH3回流的机制。尿素合成是一个耗能的过程,因此在空气呼吸硬骨鱼中并不常见。令人垂涎的非洲肺鱼将氨解毒成尿素,并在唤醒后排泄出累积的尿素。通过抑制氨基酸分解代谢和蛋白水解作用,或通过部分氨基酸分解代谢导致丙氨酸形成,可以减少某些通气鱼类的氨气产量。其他人则可以通过增加肝脏和肌肉中的谷氨酰胺合成来减慢氨气的积累。但是,还有一些在细胞和组织水平(包括脑组织)中表现出对氨的高耐受性。总而言之,呼吸鱼类对改善氨毒性的反应是多种多样的,这取决于物种的行为及其所处环境的性质。



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