首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Experimental Botany >Mannitol metabolism in brown algae involves a new phosphatase family

Mannitol metabolism in brown algae involves a new phosphatase family


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Brown algae belong to a phylogenetic lineage distantly related to green plants and animals, and are found predominantly in the intertidal zone, a harsh and frequently changing environment. Because of their unique evolutionary history and of their habitat, brown algae feature several peculiarities in their metabolism. One of these is the mannitol cycle, which plays a central role in their physiology, as mannitol acts as carbon storage, osmoprotectant, and antioxidant. This polyol is derived directly from the photoassimilate fructose-6-phosphate via the action of a mannitol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase and a mannitol-1-phosphatase (M1Pase). Genome analysis of the brown algal model Ectocarpus siliculosus allowed identification of genes potentially involved in the mannitol cycle. Among these, two genes coding for haloacid dehalogenase (HAD)-like enzymes were suggested to correspond to M1Pase activity, and thus were named EsM1Pase1 and EsM1Pase2, respectively. To test this hypothesis, both genes were expressed in Escherichia coli. Recombinant EsM1Pase2 was shown to hydrolyse the phosphate group from mannitol-1-phosphate to produce mannitol but was not active on the hexose monophosphates tested. Gene expression analysis showed that transcription of both E. siliculosus genes was under the influence of the diurnal cycle. Sequence analysis and three-dimensional homology modelling indicated that EsM1Pases, and their orthologues in Prasinophytes, should be seen as founding members of a new family of phosphatase with original substrate specificity within the HAD superfamily of proteins. This is the first report describing the characterization of a gene encoding M1Pase activity in photosynthetic organisms.
机译:褐藻属于与绿色动植物有密切关系的系统发育谱系,主要发现于潮间带,恶劣且经常变化的环境中。由于其独特的进化历史和栖息地,褐藻在其新陈代谢中具有一些特殊性。其中之一是甘露醇循环,它在其生理中起着核心作用,因为甘露醇充当碳储存,渗透保护剂和抗氧化剂。该多元醇通过甘露醇-1-磷酸脱氢酶和甘露醇-1-磷酸酶(M1Pase)的作用直接衍生自光同化果糖6-磷酸。对棕色藻类模型Ectocarpus siliculosus的基因组分析可以鉴定出可能与甘露醇循环有关的基因。其中,有两个编码卤代酸脱卤酶(HAD)样酶的基因被认为与M1Pase活性相对应,因此分别命名为EsM1Pase1和EsM1Pase2。为了检验该假设,两种基因均在大肠杆菌中表达。重组EsM1Pase2已显示可将1-磷酸甘露醇中的磷酸酯基水解为甘露醇,但对测试的己糖单磷酸酶没有活性。基因表达分析表明,两个E. siliculosus基因的转录均受昼夜循环的影响。序列分析和三维同源性建模表明,EsM1Pases及其在藻类植物中的直向同源物应被视为新的磷酸酶家族的创始成员,其具有在HAD蛋白质超家族中的原始底物特异性。这是描述光合作用生物中编码M1Pase活性的基因的特征的第一份报告。



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