首页> 外文期刊>Journal of epidemiology / >Commentary monitoring blood chemistry data in the japanese national health and nutrition survey: A method and its significance

Commentary monitoring blood chemistry data in the japanese national health and nutrition survey: A method and its significance


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This issue of the Journal includes the report entitled Revised System to Evaluate Measurement of Blood Chemistry Data From the Japanese National Health and Nutrition Survey and Prefectural Health and Nutrition Surveys by Nakamura and colleagues.1 Using quality control data recorded during 1999-2010, the authors calculated the total error (TE) for 14 blood chemistry items used in the Japanese National Health and Nutrition Survey (J-NHNS) and Prefectural Health and Nutrition Surveys.1 TE levels were used to evaluate whether blood chemistry data in the 2011 surveys were acceptable, and the authors determined that the respective items were all within acceptable and/or borderline limits. The authors propose that TE levels should be used to monitor blood chemistry data in the future.



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