首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics >Mechanism of Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation and Its Field Dependence for Ultraslow Atomic Motion

Mechanism of Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation and Its Field Dependence for Ultraslow Atomic Motion


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The contribution of ultraslow self-diffusion of polycrystalline benzene molecules to the spin-lattice relaxation of protons is studied as a function of effective magnetic field H-2 in a doubly rotating frame (DRF). Proton relaxation time T-1 rho rho is measured by direct recording of NMR in a rotating frame (RF). The effective fields have a "magic" orientation corresponding to angles arccos(1/root 3) in the RF and pi/2 in the DRF so that the secular part of the dipole-dipole interactions of protons is suppressed in two orders of perturbation theory, while the nonsecular part becomes predominant. It is found that the diffusion contribution of benzene molecules to proton relaxation time T-1 rho rho is a linear function of the square of field H-2 and exhibits all peculiarities typical of the model of strong collisions generalized to only fluctuating nonsecular dipole interactions in fields exceeding the local field. This means that the model can also be employed in the given conditions. It is shown that perfect agreement with such a dependence can also be obtained in the model of weak collisions if we take into account the concept of the locally effective quantization field, whose magnitude and direction are controlled by the vector sum of field H-2, and the nonsecular local field perpendicular to it.
机译:研究了多晶苯分子的超慢自扩散对质子自旋晶格弛豫的影响,它是在双旋转框架(DRF)中有效磁场H-2的函数。质子弛豫时间T-1 rho rho通过在旋转框架(RF)中直接记录NMR来测量。有效场具有“魔术”取向,对应于RF中的角arcos(1 /根3)和DRF中的pi / 2,因此质子的偶极-偶极相互作用的长期部分被两个扰动理论抑制,而非世俗的部分则占主导地位。发现苯分子对质子弛豫时间T-1 rho rho的扩散贡献是场平方H-2的线性函数,并且表现出强碰撞模型的所有典型特征,普遍被概括为仅波动非球面偶极子相互作用。超出本地字段的字段。这意味着该模型也可以在给定条件下使用。结果表明,如果考虑局部有效量化场的概念,该弱依赖项的大小和方向由场H-2的矢量和控制,则在弱碰撞模型中也可以获得具有这种依赖性的完美一致性,以及与之垂直的非长期局部场。



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