首页> 外文期刊>Journal of classification >The Metric Cutpoint Partition Problem

The Metric Cutpoint Partition Problem


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Let G = (V, E, w) be a graph with vertex and edge sets V and E, respectively, and w : E -> IR+ a function which assigns a positive weight or length to each edge of G. G is called a realization of a finite metric space (M, d), with M = {1,..., n} if and only if {1,..., n}. V and d(i, j) is equal to the length of the shortest chain linking i and j in G. i, j = 1,..., n. A realization G of (M, d), is called optimal if the sum of its weights is minimal among all the realizations of (M, d). A cutpoint in a graph G is a vertex whose removal strictly increases the number of connected components of G. The Metric Cutpoint Partition Problem is to determine if a finite metric space (M, d) has an optimal realization containing a cutpoint. We prove in this paper that this problem is polynomially solvable. We also describe an algorithm that constructs an optimal realization of (M, d) from optimal realizations of subspaces that do not contain any cutpoint.
机译:令G =(V,E,w)分别是顶点和边集为V和E的图,而w:E-> IR +为G的每个边分配正权重或长度的函数。当且仅当{1,...,n}时,M = {1,...,n}的有限度量空间(M,d)的实现。 V和d(i,j)等于G中连接i和j的最短链的长度。i,j = 1,...,n。如果(M,d)的实现G在所有(M,d)的实现中的权重之和最小,则称为最优。图G中的一个切点是一个顶点,其移除会严格增加G的连接分量的数量。度量切点分区问题是要确定有限度量空间(M,d)是否具有包含切点的最佳实现。我们在本文中证明了该问题可以多项式解决。我们还描述了一种算法,该算法从不包含任何割点的子空间的最佳实现中构造(M,d)的最佳实现。



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