首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Electronic Materials >Anisotropic Mechanical and Giant Magneto-Impedance Properties of Cobalt-Rich Amorphous Ribbons

Anisotropic Mechanical and Giant Magneto-Impedance Properties of Cobalt-Rich Amorphous Ribbons


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A comparative study was performed on the mechanical and giant magneto-impedance (GMI) properties in the longitudinal and transverse directions of Co69Fe4Ni1Mo2B12Si12 amorphous ribbons. Both mechanical and GMI properties were found to be anisotropic. Kerr microscopy shows the presence of a stripe-type domain structure with the magnetic easy axis parallel to the longitudinal direction. The fracture strength, elastic modulus, and fracture toughness in the transverse direction was higher than those in the longitudinal direction. A larger GMI response was achieved in the transverse direction at a frequency range where both the domain wall motion and spin rotation dominantly contributed to the effective permeability and hence the magneto-impedance. The current study paves the way for designing Co-rich amorphous ribbons as desirable components in electronics such as magnetic sensors.
机译:在Co69Fe4Ni1Mo2B12Si12非晶带的纵向和横向方向上进行了机械和巨磁阻抗(GMI)性能的比较研究。发现机械和GMI特性都是各向异性的。 Kerr显微镜检查显示出条形畴结构的存在,其磁易轴与纵向方向平行。沿横向的断裂强度,弹性模量和断裂韧性高于沿纵向的断裂强度,弹性模量和断裂韧性。在磁畴壁运动和自旋旋转都主要影响有效磁导率和磁阻的频率范围内,在横向方向上实现了较大的GMI响应。当前的研究为将富钴非晶带设计为电子器件(如磁传感器)中的理想组件铺平了道路。



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