首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Endodontics: Official Journal of American Association of Endodontists >Push-out Bond Strength of RealSeal SE and AH Plus after Using Different Irrigation Solutions

Push-out Bond Strength of RealSeal SE and AH Plus after Using Different Irrigation Solutions

机译:使用不同的灌溉溶液后,RealSeal SE和AH Plus的推出粘结强度

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Introduction: The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the influence of different endodontic irrigants (sodium hypochlorite [NaOCl], chlorhexidine [CHX], and EDTA) on the push-out bond strength of the obturation materials RealSeal SE (SybronEndo, Orange, CA) and AH Plus (Dentsply International Inc, York, PA). Methods: Two hundred human root canals were prepared and divided into 2 groups according to the filling material (RealSeal SE vs AH Plus). Each group was subdivided into 5 groups according to the irrigation protocol (0.9% saline [control], 3% NaOCl, 3% NaOCl with saline, 17% EDTA, and 2% CHX). After obturation, roots were sliced into 1-mm discs for push-out assessment. Compressive loading was performed using an universal testing machine at a speed of 0.5 mm/min. Two-way analysis of variance and the Kruskal-Wallis test were performed for pair-wise comparisons to assess the differences between the experimental groups. Results: AH Plus exhibited a significantly higher bond strength than RealSeal SE (mean = 2.53 and 1.53 MPa, respectively; P < .05), except with saline alone (P > .05). Within the AH Plus groups, no significant differences existed between the irrigants and saline alone (P > .05). The bond strength of RealSeal SE with saline alone or with NaOCl and saline did not differ from that of AH Plus with saline alone (P > .05). However, the push-out bond strength of RealSeal SE decreased by approximately half (P < .05 compared with RealSeal SE with saline alone) after rinsing with NaOCl alone, EDTA, or CHX. Conclusions: The bond strength of RealSeal SE is highly influenced by the irrigant used.
机译:简介:这项研究的目的是评估不同牙髓冲洗剂(次氯酸钠[NaOCl],洗必泰[CHX]和EDTA)对密封材料RealSeal SE(SybronEndo,Orange,CA)的推出粘结强度的影响)和AH Plus(宾夕法尼亚州约克市的登特普利国际公司)。方法:准备200根人的根管,根据填充材料(RealSeal SE vs AH Plus)分为两组。根据灌溉方案将每组分为5组(0.9%生理盐水[对照组],3%NaOCl,3%NaOCl生理盐水,17%EDTA和2%CHX)。闭孔后,将根切成1毫米的圆盘以进行推出评估。使用万能试验机以0.5mm / min的速度进行压缩加载。进行方差的双向分析和Kruskal-Wallis检验进行成对比较,以评估实验组之间的差异。结果:AH Plus表现出比RealSeal SE更高的粘结强度(分别为2.53和1.53 MPa; P <.05),仅含生理盐水(P> .05)除外。在AH Plus组中,冲洗液和单独的盐水之间没有显着差异(P> .05)。 RealSeal SE与单独的生理盐水或与NaOCl和生理盐水的结合强度与AH Plus与单独的生理盐水的粘合强度没有差异(P> .05)。但是,在单独用NaOCl,EDTA或CHX冲洗后,RealSeal SE的推出粘结强度降低了大约一半(与单独使用盐水的RealSeal SE相比,P <.05)。结论:RealSeal SE的粘结强度受所用冲洗剂的影响很大。



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