首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Endodontics: Official Journal of American Association of Endodontists >Molecular analysis of Filifactor alocis, Tannerella forsythia, and treponema denticola associated with primary endodontic infections and failed endodontic treatment.

Molecular analysis of Filifactor alocis, Tannerella forsythia, and treponema denticola associated with primary endodontic infections and failed endodontic treatment.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of strict anaerobes such as Filifactor alocis, Tannerella forsythia, and Treponema denticola in primary and secondary root-infected canals with periapical lesions by molecular analysis and the association of these species with specific endodontic signs and symptoms. Microbial samples were taken from 100 root canals, 50 with necrotic pulp tissues (NPT, primary infection), and 50 with failed endodontic treatment (FET, secondary infection). DNA was extracted from the samples, which were analyzed for the presence of three endodontic pathogens using species-specific primers and PCR. F. alocis were isolated from 23 canals with NPT and 12 canals with FET; T. forsythia from 12 canals with NPT and three canals with FET; T. denticola from 19 canals with NPT and 12 canals with TEP. Suggested associations were found between primary infection and the presence of F. alocis and T. forsythia (both p < 0.05). In particular, associations were found between: pain and F. alocis; swelling and F. alocis; tenderness to percussion and T. forsythia; mobility and T. forsythia and T. denticola; wet canals and F. alocis, T. forsythia, and T. denticola; purulent exsudate and F. alocis, T. forsythia and T. denticola; abscess and F. alocis, T. forsythia, and T. denticola (all p < 0.05). The findings of this study indicated that F. alocis, T. forsythia, and T. denticola seem to be associated with endodontic signs and symptoms. Additionally, F. alocis and T. forsythia were detected more frequently in teeth with necrotic pulp than in teeth with failing endodontic treatment.
机译:这项研究的目的是通过分子分析研究在根尖周根部和次级根部感染的根管中是否存在严格的厌氧菌,如丝状刺丝,坦氏菌连翘和密螺旋体,这些菌种与特定的牙髓症状和体征相关。微生物样本取自100根管,50例坏死牙髓组织(NPT,原发感染)和50例牙髓治疗失败(FET,继发感染)。从样品中提取DNA,然后使用物种特异性引物和PCR分析三种牙髓病原体的存在。用NPT从23条运河中分离出海芋,并用FET从12条运河中分离出海藻。从NPT的12条运河和FET的3条运河中获得T.连翘;来自NPT的19条运河和TEP的12条运河的T. denticola。提示原发感染与海芋和连翘的存在之间存在相关性(均p <0.05)。特别是,在疼痛和阿基色镰刀菌之间发现了关联。肿胀和海芋打击乐和连翘的触痛;流动性和连翘和T. denticola;湿的运河和罗汉果木,连翘和树状体;化脓性渗出液和海芋,连翘和连翘。脓肿和罗汉果,连翘,和T. denticola(均p <0.05)。这项研究的发现表明,海芋,连翘和树突状藻似乎与牙髓症状和体征有关。此外,在牙髓坏死的牙齿中,比在牙髓治疗失败的牙齿中,更频繁地检测到阿隆索和连翘。



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