首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Endodontics: Official Journal of American Association of Endodontists >The effect of endodontic solutions on resorcinol-formalin paste in teeth.

The effect of endodontic solutions on resorcinol-formalin paste in teeth.


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This study determined if any of six endodontic solutions would have a softening effect on resorcinol-formalin paste in extracted teeth, and if there were any differences in the solvent action between these solutions. Forty-nine single-rooted extracted teeth were decoronated 2 mm coronal to the CEJ, and the roots sectioned apically to a standard length of 15 mm. Canals were prepared to a 12 mm WL and a uniform size with a #7 Parapost drill. Teeth were then mounted in a cylinder ring with acrylic. The resorcinol-formalin mixture was placed into the canals and was allowed to set for 60 days in a humidor. The solutions tested were 0.9% sodium chloride, 5.25% sodium hypochlorite, chloroform, Endosolv R (Endosolv R(R)), 3% hydrogen peroxide, and 70% isopropyl alcohol. Seven samples per solution were tested and seven samples using water served as controls. One drop of the solution was placed over the set mixture in the canal, and the depth of penetration of a 1.5-mm probe was measured at 2, 5, 10, and 20 min using a dial micrometer gauge. A repeated-measures ANOVA showed a difference in penetration between the solutions at 10 min (p = 0.04) and at 20 min (p = 0.0004). At 20 min, Endosolv R, had significantly greater penetration than 5.25% sodium hypochlorite (p = 0.0033) and chloroform (p = 0.0018); however, it was not significantly better than the control (p = 0.0812). Although Endosolv R, had statistically superior probe penetration at 20 min, the softening effect could not be detected clinically at this time.
机译:这项研究确定了六种牙髓治疗溶液中的任何一种是否会对拔牙后的间苯二酚-福尔马林糊剂具有软化作用,以及这些溶液之间的溶剂作用是否存在差异。将49颗单根拔出牙齿在CEJ的冠状面2 mm处进行脱冠,根尖切成15 mm的标准长度。用#7 Parapost钻将运河准备成12毫米长的WL,尺寸均匀。然后用丙烯酸将牙齿固定在圆柱环中。将间苯二酚-福尔马林混合物放入管中,并在雪茄盒中放置60天。测试的溶液为0.9%氯化钠,5.25%次氯酸钠,氯仿,Endosolv R(Endosolv R),3%过氧化氢和70%异丙醇。测试每种溶液七个样品,用水七个样品作为对照。将一滴溶液放在管中凝固的混合物上,并使用千分尺千分尺在1.5、2、5、10和20分钟时测量1.5毫米探针的穿透深度。重复测量的方差分析显示,溶液在10分钟(p = 0.04)和20分钟(p = 0.0004)的渗透率存在差异。在20分钟时,Endosolv R的渗透率明显高于5.25%的次氯酸钠(p = 0.0033)和氯仿(p = 0.0018);但是,它并没有明显好于对照组(p = 0.0812)。尽管Endosolv R在20分钟时具有统计上优越的探针穿透力,但此时无法在临床上检测到软化效果。



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