首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Endodontics: Official Journal of American Association of Endodontists >Effect of intracanal corticosteroids on healing of replanted dog teeth after extended dry times.

Effect of intracanal corticosteroids on healing of replanted dog teeth after extended dry times.


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This study investigated the effect of potent intracanal corticosteroids on periodontal healing of replanted avulsed teeth and evaluated the systemic absorption of these corticosteroids. Sixty-seven extracted dog premolar roots were randomly assigned to one of the following groups: groups 1-3 filled with gutta-percha and replanted immediately and after 40 and 60 minutes, respectively; groups 4 and 5 filled with 0.05% clobetasol; and groups 6 and 7 filled with 0.05 % fluocinonide. Groups 4 and 6 were replanted after 40 minutes and groups 5 and 7 after 60 minutes. After 4 months, roots were evaluated histologically for signs of periodontal healing. Roots treated with clobetasol and fluocinonide healed more favorably than roots filled with gutta-percha and were different from each other at 60 minutes. No change in the systemic corticosteroid blood concentration was observed in any group. Corticosteroids were efficacious in the beagle model as intracanal medicaments for promoting favorable postavulsion periodontal healing.
机译:这项研究调查了有效的管内皮质类固醇对再植撕脱牙的牙周愈合的影响,并评估了这些皮质类固醇的全身吸收。将67根提取的犬前磨牙牙根随机分配到以下组之一:1-3组充满牙胶,分别在40和60分钟后立即种植;第4和第5组充满0.05%的氯倍他索;第6组和第7组填充了0.05%的氟西诺尼。 40分钟后重新植入第4组和第6组,而60分钟后重新植入第5组和第7组。 4个月后,组织学检查牙根的牙周愈合迹象。用氯倍他索和氟西尼德处理的根的愈合比充满牙胶的根更有利,并且在60分钟时彼此不同。在任何组中,均未观察到全身性皮质类固醇血药浓度的变化。皮质类固醇在比格犬模型中有效,可作为管内药物以促进有利的撕脱后牙周愈合。



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