首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Endocrinological Investigation: Official Journal of the Italian Society of Endocrinology >A mathematical model in the analysis of the response to growth hormone treatment in pediatric patients with diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency

A mathematical model in the analysis of the response to growth hormone treatment in pediatric patients with diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency


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In the literature, few studies analyze the effect of GH therapy on height, preferring a more indirect approach, where factors influencing the total pubertal and pre-pubertal growth in GH-deficient patients are evaluated and subsequently used to estimate the overall effect at the end of the therapy; unfortunately, this approach does not quantify the real growth gain in treated patients. Using a non-parametric Empirical Bayes approach, our study analyzes the growth response to GH treatment in a homogeneous cohort of 317 patients with pituitary GH deficiency who were enrolled during their pre-pubertal stage in the GH Piedmont Registry (Italy), between January 2000-October 2008, and have at least 2 yr of follow-up. To estimate the growth curve for males and females, a non-parametric regression model was fitted, applying Empirical Bayes techniques. A validation of the model was also performed. Improvement was evident in both genders, since both males and females mean growth curve, which started below the 3 rd percentile at the beginning of the therapy, reached the 10 th percentile of the Tanner curve at the end of observation (17 yr old for males and 14 yr old for females); the estimation procedure achieved a good precision. The methodological approach allows for fitting a model able to evaluate longitudinally the response to GH treatment, by means of estimating the overall growth curve, even in presence of sparse information about children heights.
机译:在文献中,很少有研究分析GH治疗对身高的影响,更倾向于采用间接方法,即评估影响GH缺乏患者的青春期和青春期前总生长的因素,并随后用于评估最终的总体效果。治疗方法不幸的是,这种方法不能量化治疗患者的实际增长。使用非参数贝叶斯经验方法,我们的研究分析了2000年1月在GH皮埃蒙特登记处(意大利)入组的317名垂体GH缺乏的同质队列中对GH治疗的生长反应。 -2008年10月,并至少进行了2年的随访。为了估计男性和女性的生长曲线,使用经验贝叶斯技术拟合了非参数回归模型。还对模型进行了验证。男女均明显改善,因为男性和女性的平均生长曲线始于治疗开始时的第3个百分点以下,观察结束时达到了Tanner曲线的第10个百分点(男性为17岁)女性为14岁);估计过程达到了很好的精度。该方法学方法允许通过估计总体生长曲线,即使在缺乏有关儿童身高信息的情况下,也能够拟合一个能够纵向评估对GH治疗的反应的模型。



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