首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Energetic Materials >Calibrating Gruneisen-Gamma(V) in theFramework of the Adiabatic-Gamma(V)EOS for Detonation Products

Calibrating Gruneisen-Gamma(V) in theFramework of the Adiabatic-Gamma(V)EOS for Detonation Products


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In a previous article a new equation of state (EOS) for detonation products called adiabatic-gamma (V) was presented [1]. Briefly, adiabatic-gamma(V) is a Gruneisen EOS referred to a principal isentrope, which is specified in terms of the adiabatic gamma γ(V). The y(V) function is piecewise linear with an arbitrary number of nodes n≥ 3. The nodes of γ(V) are calibrated from Chapman-Jouguet (CJ) conditions and from expanding cylinder test data. In an expanding cylinder test the products release along the principal isentrope. It is therefore possible to calibrate the Gruneisen parameter Γ from such a test only at the CJ point and at large V, and in between we assume a linear variation. Here we show that in a plate push test with a gap between the explosive and the plate the products release along a higher isentrope (in the PV plane), which makes it possible to calibrate Γ(V). We defme r(V) as a piecewise linear curve with nodes at the same values of V as y(V). We demonstrate a procedure for calibrating r(V) by matching a target velocity history u(t), to be obtained from a plate push test with a gap. Like the procedure for calibrating y(V) demonstrated in [1], this, too, is a recursive procedure.
机译:在上一篇文章中,提出了一种称为绝热伽马(V)的爆炸产物的新状态方程(EOS)[1]。简而言之,绝热伽马(V)是Gruneisen EOS,称为主要等熵,它是根据绝热伽马γ(V)来指定的。 y(V)函数是分段线性的,具有任意数量的节点n≥3。根据Chapman-Jouguet(CJ)条件和扩展圆柱测试数据对γ(V)的节点进行校准。在膨胀圆筒测试中,产品沿主要同溶物释放。因此,有可能仅在CJ点和大V时从此类测试中校准Gruneisen参数Γ,并且在这两者之间我们假设为线性变化。在这里,我们表明,在炸药和炸药之间留有间隙的压板试验中,产品沿较高的等熵(在PV平面中)释放,从而可以校准Γ(V)。我们将r(V)定义为分段线性曲线,其节点的V与y(V)的V值相同。我们演示了通过匹配目标速度历史u(t)来校准r(V)的过程,该目标速度历史u(t)可从带有间隙的板推测试中获得。像[1]中演示的校准y(V)的过程一样,这也是一个递归过程。



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