首页> 外文期刊>Journal of endovascular therapy: an official journal of the International Society of Endovascular Specialists >Partial inflow occlusion facilitates accurate deployment of thoracic aortic endografts.

Partial inflow occlusion facilitates accurate deployment of thoracic aortic endografts.


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Purpose: To present a maneuver consisting of temporary blockage of the venous return to the heart for accurate deployment of thoracic aortic endoprostheses.Technique: During endovascular repairs in the thoracic aorta, an occluding balloon was introduced through the femoral vein into the right atrium under transesophageal echocardiographic control. The venous return through the inferior vena cava was temporarily blocked to reduce aortic flow during device deployment. The technique was applied in 21 patients with various lesions of the thoracic aorta. Partial inflow occlusion resulted in a mean systolic pressure of 49+/-6 mmHg and lasted for 52+/-14 seconds. Cardiac function was comparable to the preocclusion state, and no arrhythmias or ischemic events were encountered. In 7 procedures, inotropic or vasoconstrictor support was necessary after deployment. No complications related to the venous system were observed. The endoprostheses were precisely deployed at the target site in all patients.Conclusions:The force of aortic flow often impairs precise deployment of thoracic endoprostheses, resulting in distal displacement. Partial inflow occlusion provides precise control over the extent and duration of the hypotensive period, allowing accurate deployment of thoracic endoprostheses.
机译:目的:提出一种包括暂时阻断心脏静脉回流的方法,以准确部署胸主动脉假体。技术:在胸主动脉腔内修复期间,通过股静脉将闭塞球囊经食道引入右心房。超声心动图控制。通过下腔静脉的静脉回流被暂时阻塞,以减少设备部署过程中的主动脉流量。该技术已应用于21位胸主动脉病变患者。部分入流闭塞导致平均收缩压为49 +/- 6 mmHg,持续52 +/- 14秒。心脏功能与阻塞前状态相当,并且未遇到心律不齐或缺血事件。在7个步骤中,部署后需要正性肌收缩药或血管收缩药支持。没有观察到与静脉系统有关的并发症。结论:主动脉血流的力量常常会损害胸腔内假体的精确部署,从而导致远端移位。部分入流闭塞可对降压期的程度和持续时间进行精确控制,从而可精确部署胸腔内假体。



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