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Urinary stone size: comparison of abdominal plain radiography and noncontrast CT measurements.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: To compare urinary stone size as measured by abdominal plain radiography (AXR) with stone size as measured by noncontrast three-dimensional spiral CT in patients with acute renal colic. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients presenting to the emergency room of a single institution with urinary stones that were visible on both AXR and noncontrast spiral CT were identified. Two radiologists blinded to the clinical outcomes separately and randomly reviewed all films and measured maximum longitudinal (craniocaudal) and transverse (anteroposterior) stone diameters. The two-tailed paired Student's t-test was used to compare the sizes of each stone on AXR and CT. RESULTS: Over a 1-year period, 22 patients were identified with a total of 31 urinary stones visible on both AXR and CT. Nineteen stones were located in the kidney, three in the midureter, and nine in the distal ureter. The mean stone size by AXR was 6.1 mm (range 2-13 mm; SD +/- 1.95) in the longitudinal axis and 5.3 mm (range 2-11 mm; SD +/- 1.50) in the transverse axis. The mean stone size by CT was 6.9 mm (range 3-12 mm; SD +/- 1.95) in the longitudinal axis and 6.1 mm (range 2-11 mm; SD +/- 1.50) in the transverse. The differences between AXR and CT measurements did not attain significance in either the longitudinal (p = 0.67) or the transverse (p = 0.25) axis. CONCLUSIONS: A CT scan provides estimates of stone size that are consistently greater than those of AXR in both the longitudinal and transverse axes. However, for stones between 2 and 13 mm in maximum diameter, these differences do not attain significance. In patients with a history of radiopaque stones in this size range, therefore, AXR may provide useful size data for clinical decision-making without concern about significant disparities between the two modalities. As AXRs are more expeditiously obtained, incur less direct costs, and expose patients to significantly lower doses of radiation than CT scans, they remain a useful adjunctive study in the work-up of nephrolithiasis.
机译:背景与目的:比较腹腔X线照相术(AXR)测量的尿路结石大小与非造影三维螺旋CT测量的急性肾绞痛患者的尿路结石大小。患者和方法:鉴定出出现在单个机构急诊室的患者,其尿结石在AXR和非对比螺旋CT上均可见。两名放射科医生分别对临床结果视而不见,并随机检查了所有胶片,并测量了最大纵向(颅尾)和横向(前后)结石直径。两尾配对的学生t检验用于比较AXR和CT上每块石头的尺寸。结果:在1年的时间里,在AXR和CT上均发现22例患者,总共可见31例尿路结石。肾中有19个结石,输尿管中有3个结石,输尿管远端有9个结石。 AXR测得的平均石材尺寸在纵轴上为6.1毫米(范围2-13毫米; SD +/- 1.95),在横轴上为5.3毫米(范围2-11毫米; SD +/- 1.50)。 CT测得的平均石块大小在纵轴上为6.9 mm(范围3-12 mm; SD +/- 1.95),在横轴上为6.1 mm(范围2-11 mm; SD +/- 1.50)。 AXR和CT测量之间的差异在纵向(p = 0.67)或横向(p = 0.25)轴上均不显着。结论:CT扫描提供的纵断面和横断面的石材尺寸估计值始终大于AXR。但是,对于最大直径在2到13毫米之间的结石,这些差异并不重要。因此,对于具有这种大小范围不透射线结石病史的患者,AXR可以为临床决策提供有用的大小数据,而无需担心两种方式之间的显着差异。由于AXR比CT扫描更迅速地获得,直接费用更少,并且使患者接受的辐射剂量显着低于CT扫描,因此它们在肾结石病的检查中仍然是有用的辅助研究。



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