首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Economic Entomology >A Comparison of Novel Entomopathogenic Nematode Application Methods for Control of the Chive Gnat, Bradysia odoriphaga (Diptera: Sciaridae)

A Comparison of Novel Entomopathogenic Nematode Application Methods for Control of the Chive Gnat, Bradysia odoriphaga (Diptera: Sciaridae)


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Bradysia odoriphaga Yang & Zhang (Diptera: Sciaridae) is the most serious pest of Chinese chive, Allium tuberosum. Chemical pesticide application has become a necessary step to control B. odoriphaga after each of the four to six harvests during the growing season. We compared the effects of application type (nematode-infected cadaver, aqueous nematode suspension, and mixture of cadaver and aqueous suspension) and nematode species (Heterorhabditis bacteriophora vs. Steinernema carpocapsae) on B. odoriphaga control. Nematode species combinations and the use of the cadaver method has only been tested in a relatively few studies, and has not been tested for this target pest, B. odoriphaga. Furthermore, this is the first report of combining application methods (aqueous and cadaver). Results indicated that the cadaver treatment produced higher mortality of B. odoriphaga than the aqueous treatment, and H. bacteriophora caused higher mortality of B. odoriphaga than S. carpocapsae. The mortality of B. odoriphaga was 96.7% in H. bacteriophora cadaver treatment and only 27.5% in control treatment without nematode addition. Cadaver treatments caused higher biomass of A. tuberosum than that of aqueous treatment. The plant biomass in H. bacteriophora cadaver treatment was 10 folds as much as that in the control treatment. The mixed aqueous suspension of H. bacteriophora and S. carpocapsae did not increase the mortality in pot trial. Our findings indicate that entomopathogenic nematodes applied as cadavers might be a potential alternative biological agent in the integrated management of B. odoriphaga for Chinese chive production.
机译:延缓感异味杨和张(双翅目:S虫科)是韭菜韭菜的最严重害虫。在生长季节的四到六次收获之后,化学农药的施用已成为控制臭豆芽孢杆菌的必要步骤。我们比较了应用类型(线虫感染的尸体,线虫水悬液,以及尸体和水悬液的混合物)和线虫种类(细菌性Heterorhabditis bacteriophora与Steinernema carpocapsae)对B.odoriphaga防治的影响。线虫物种组合和尸体方法的使用仅在相对较少的研究中进行了测试,尚未针对这种目标害虫B.odoriphaga进行过测试。此外,这是结合使用方法(水性和尸体)的第一个报告。结果表明,尸体处理产生的B. odoriphaga死亡率高于水处理,而H. bacteriophora导致的B. odoriphaga死亡率高于S. carpocapsae。在不添加线虫的情况下,在细菌隐球菌的尸体处理中,B.odoriphaga的死亡率为96.7%,而在对照处理中,其仅为27.5%。尸体处理引起的土壤曲霉生物量高于水处理。 H. bacteriophora尸体处理的植物生物量是对照处理的10倍。在罐装试验中,H。bacteriophora和S. carpocapsae的混合水悬浮液不会增加死亡率。我们的研究结果表明,作为昆虫尸体的昆虫病原线虫可能是中国韭菜生产中臭味双歧杆菌的综合管理中潜在的替代生物制剂。



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