首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Economic Entomology >Effects of Nitrogen Fertilization on Potato Leafhopper (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) and Maple Spider Mite (Acari: Tetranychidae) on Nursery-Grown Maples

Effects of Nitrogen Fertilization on Potato Leafhopper (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) and Maple Spider Mite (Acari: Tetranychidae) on Nursery-Grown Maples


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Although leaf nitrogen (N) has been shown to increase the suitability of hosts to herbivorous arthropods, the responses of these pests to N fertilization on susceptible and resistant host plants are not well characterized. This study determined how different rates of N fertilization affected injury caused by the potato leafhopper (Empoasca fabae Harris) and the abundance of maple spider mite (Oligonychus aceris (Shimer)) on 'Red Sunset' red maple (Acer rubrum) and 'Autumn Blaze' Freeman maple (Acer x freemanii) during two years in Indiana. N fertilization increased leaf N concentration in both maple cultivars, albeit to a lesser extent during the second year of the study. Overall, Red Sunset maples were more susceptible to E. fabae injury than Autumn Blaze, whereas Autumn Blaze maples supported higher populations of O. aceris. Differences in populations of O. aceris were attributed to differences between communities of stigmaeid and phytoseiid mites on each cultivar. Injury caused by E. fabae increased with N fertilization in a dose-dependent manner in both cultivars. Although N fertilization increased the abundance of O. aceris on both maple cultivars, there was no difference between the 20 and 40 g rates. We suggest the capacity of N fertilization to increase O. aceris on maples could be limited at higher trophic levels by the community of predatory mites.
机译:尽管已显示叶氮(N)可以增加寄主对食草节肢动物的适应性,但这些有害生物对易感和抗病寄主植物对N施肥的反应尚未得到很好的表征。这项研究确定了不同的施氮量如何影响马铃薯叶蝉(Empoasca fabae Harris)和'Red Sunset'红枫(Acer rubrum)和'Autumn Blaze'上的枫叶红蜘蛛(Oligonychus aceris(Shimer))造成的伤害。 '弗里曼·枫(宏cer x freemanii)在印第安纳州的两年期间。施氮增加了两个枫树品种的叶片氮含量,尽管在研究的第二年中程度较小。总体而言,红色的日落枫树比秋天的大火更容易受到Fab.E. fabae的伤害,而秋天的大火的枫树支持更多的ace。aceris。 ace.aceris种群的差异归因于每个品种上的柱头螨和植物螨螨群落之间的差异。在两个品种中,随着施氮量的增加,由E. fabae引起的伤害均呈剂量依赖性。尽管施氮增加了两个枫树品种的ace.aceris的丰度,但是20 g和40 g的比例之间没有差异。我们认为,在较高的营养水平下,掠食性螨虫群落可能会限制氮肥在枫叶上增加醋曲霉的能力。



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