首页> 外文期刊>Clinical Chemistry: Journal of the American Association for Clinical Chemists >Interindividual and interethnic variation in genomewide gene expression: insights into the biological variation of gene expression and clinical implications.

Interindividual and interethnic variation in genomewide gene expression: insights into the biological variation of gene expression and clinical implications.


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BACKGROUND: Analysis of gene expression in peripheral blood samples is increasingly being applied in biomarker studies of disease diagnosis and prognosis. Although knowledge of interindividual and interethnic variation in gene expression is required to set ethnicity-specific reference intervals and to select reference genes and preferred markers from a list of candidate genes, few studies have attempted to characterize such biological variation on a genomewide scale. METHODS: The genomewide expression profiles of 11 355 transcripts expressed among 210 multiethnic individuals of the HapMap project were obtained and analyzed; 4 replicates were included for each sample. The total biological CV in gene expression (CV(b)) was partitioned into interindividual (CV(g)), inter-ethnic group (CV(e)), and residual components by random-effects mixed models. RESULTS: CV(g) was the major component of CV(b), and the differences among transcripts were large (up to 38%). Distinct groups of genes were characterized by CVvalues and expression levels. Of the genes with lowest biological variation (CV(b) < 1.5%), 35 genes were highly expressed, whereas 32 had intermediate or low expression. Although CV(g) was almost always greater than CV(e), we identified 10 genes in which ethnic variation predominated (range, 8%-18%). On the other hand, 17 annotated genes were highly variable with CV(g) values ranging between 15% and 38%. CONCLUSIONS: Genomewide analysis of gene expression variation demonstrated biological differences among transcripts. Transcripts with the least biological variation are better candidates for reference genes, whereas those with low interindividual variation may be good disease markers. The presence of interethnic variation suggests that ethnicity-specific reference intervals may be necessary.
机译:背景:外周血样品中基因表达的分析越来越多地用于疾病诊断和预后的生物标记研究中。尽管需要了解基因表达的个体间和种族间差异来设定种族特异性参考区间并从候选基因列表中选择参考基因和优选标记,但很少有研究试图在全基因组范围内表征这种生物学变异。方法:获得并分析了HapMap项目的210个多民族个体中表达的11 355个转录本的全基因组表达谱;每个样品包括4个重复样品。通过随机效应混合模型将基因表达中的总生物学CV(CV(b))分为个体间(CV(g)),种族间群体(CV(e))和残留成分。结果:CV(g)是CV(b)的主要成分,转录本之间的差异很大(高达38%)。不同基因组的特征在于CV值和表达水平。在生物学变异最低的基因中(CV(b)<1.5%),高表达的基因有35个,而中等或低表达的基因则有32个。尽管CV(g)几乎总是大于CV(e),但我们确定了10个以种族变异为主导的基因(范围8%-18%)。另一方面,有17个注释基因高度可变,CV(g)值介于15%和38%之间。结论:基因表达变异的全基因组分析证明了转录本之间的生物学差异。具有最低生物学变异的转录本更适合用作参考基因,而具有较低个体差异的转录本可能是良好的疾病标记。种族间差异的存在表明特定种族的参考间隔可能是必要的。



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