首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Economic Entomology >'Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum' Titer over Time in Bactericera cockerelli (Hemiptera: Triozidae) after Acquisition from Infected Potato and Tomato Plants

'Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum' Titer over Time in Bactericera cockerelli (Hemiptera: Triozidae) after Acquisition from Infected Potato and Tomato Plants


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The potato psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli (?ule) (Hemiptera: Triozidae) is a serious pest of potato and other solanaceous crops. B. cockerelli has been associated with the bacterium "Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum" (Lso), the causal agent of zebra chip, a new and economically important disease of potato in the United States, Mexico, Central America, and New Zealand. The biology of liberibacter transmission to potato and other host plants by the potato psyllid is largely unknown. The current study determined Lso acquisition by adult psyllids following different acquisition access periods (AAP) on potato and tomato, quantified Lso titer over time in postacquisition psyllids, determined Lso-acquisition rate in psyllids at each AAP on each source of inoculum, and determined influence of host plant Lso titer on Lso acquisition rates and postacquisition titer in psyllids over time. Results showed that Lso detection rates and titer increased over time in psyllids following AAPs of 8,24, and 72 h on tomato and potato and Lso titer was highest when psyllids acquired Lso from tomato versus potato. Lso titer ranged from 200- to 400-fold higher in tomato leaves, petioles, and stems than those of potato. The increase of Lso titer in the insects reached a plateau after an average of 15 d following 24 and 72 h AAP on potato or tomato. At this 15-d plateau, Lso titer in postacquisition psyllids was comparable with that of infective psyllids from the Lso-infected laboratory colony. Lso-acquisition rate in psyllids fed on potato and tomato increased up to 5 and 20, 15 and 35, 35 and 75, and 80 and 100%, respectively, when the insects were allowed access to plants for 4, 8, 24, and 72 h, respectively.
机译:马铃薯木虱,Bactericera cockerelli(?ule)(半翅目:Triozidae)是马铃薯和其他茄科作物的重要害虫。在美国,墨西哥,中美洲和新西兰,B。cockerelli与斑马片的病原体细菌“ Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum”(Lso)有关。马铃薯木虱将liberibacter细菌传播到马铃薯和其他寄主植物的生物学机制尚不清楚。当前的研究确定了在马铃薯和番茄上不同的获取访问时间(AAP)后成年木虱的Lso捕获量,量化了采集后木虱的Lso滴定度,确定了每个接种物上每个AAP的木虱中Lso的捕获率并确定了影响宿主植物Lso滴度对木虱体内Lso采集速率和采集后滴度的影响。结果表明,番茄和马铃薯在AAP分别为8,24和72 h后,木虱体内Lso的检出率和滴度随时间增加,当木虱从番茄对马铃薯中获得Lso时,Lso滴度最高。番茄叶片,叶柄和茎中的Lso滴度比马铃薯高200-400倍。在马铃薯或番茄的AAP处理24和72 h后,平均15 d后,昆虫中Lso滴度的增加达到了平稳。在这个15天的高原期,采集后木虱的Lso滴度与感染Lso的实验室菌落的感染木虱的滴度相当。当允许昆虫进入植物4、8、24和30时,以马铃薯和番茄为食的木虱的Lso捕获率分别提高到5%和20、15和35、35和75、80和100%。分别为72小时。



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