首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Economic Entomology >Low Temperature Storage of Southern Rice Black-Streaked Dwarf Virus-Infected Rice Plants Cannot Sustain Virus Transmission by the Vector

Low Temperature Storage of Southern Rice Black-Streaked Dwarf Virus-Infected Rice Plants Cannot Sustain Virus Transmission by the Vector


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Southern rice black-streaked dwarf virus (SRBSDV) is a novel virus transmitted by white-backed planthopper Sogatella furcifera (Hovath) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Due to low virus transmission efficiency by the planthopper, researchers are frequently confronted with shortage of viruliferous vectors or infected rice plants, especially in winter and the following spring. To find new ways to maintain virus-infected materials, viral rice plants were stored at -80 degrees C for 45 or 140 d and evaluated as virus sources in virus transmission by the vector. SRBSDV virions were not degraded during storage at -80 degrees C as indicated by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and reverse transcription real-time PCR detection. The planthopper nymphs fed on the infected thawed plants for 48 h survived at about 40% and showed positive detection of SRBSDV, but they lost the virus after feeding for another 20 d (the circulative transmission period) on noninfected plants. Transmission electron microscope images indicated broken capsid of virions in infected thawed leaves in contrast to integrity capsid of virions in infected fresh leaves. These results show that low temperature storage of SRBSDV-infected rice plants cannot sustain virus transmission by white-backed planthopper.
机译:南方稻黑条纹矮化病毒(SRBSDV)是一种由白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera(Hovath)(半翅目:Delphacidae)传播的新型病毒。由于飞虱的病毒传播效率低下,研究人员经常面临有毒载体或受感染的水稻植物短缺的问题,特别是在冬季和第二年春季。为了找到维持病毒感染材料的新方法,病毒水稻植株在-80摄氏度下保存45或140 d,并被该载体评估为病毒传播的病毒来源。 SRBSDV病毒体在-80摄氏度的储存过程中并未降解,这是通过逆转录聚合酶链反应和逆转录实时PCR检测所表明的。以受感染的解冻植物为食的飞虱若虫存活48小时,存活率约为40%,并显示出对SRBSDV的阳性检测,但在未感染的植物又饲养了20 d(循环传播期)后,它们失去了病毒。透射电子显微镜图像显示受感染的融化叶片中病毒体衣壳破碎,而受感染的新鲜叶片中病毒体衣壳完整。这些结果表明,受SRBSDV感染的水稻植物的低温储存不能维持白背飞虱的病毒传播。



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