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Testing for structural change in conditional models


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In the past decade. we have seen the development of a new set of tests for structural change of unknown timing in regression models, most notably the SupF statistic of Andrews (1993, Econometrica 61, 825-856), the ExpF and AveF statistics of Andrews-Ploberger (1994, Econometrica 62, 1383-14140, and the L statistic of Nyblom (1989, Journal of American Statistical Association 84, 223-230). The distribution theory used for these tests is primarily asymptotic, and has been derived under the maintained assumption that the regressor are stationary. This excludes structural change in the marginal distribution of the regressors. As a result, these tests technically cannot dis-criminate between structural change in the conditional and marginal distributions. This paper attempts to remedy this deficiency by deriving the large sample distributions of the test statistics allowing for structural change in the marginal distribution of the regressors We find that the asymptotic distributions of the SupF, ExpF, ExpF, AveF and L statistics are not invariant to structural change in the regressors. To solve the size problem, we introduce appears to possess reasonable size properties in small samples. Our bootstrap theory allows for arbitrary structural change in the regressors, including structural shifts, polynomial trends, and exogenous stochastic trends. It allows for lagged dependent variables and heteroskedastic error processes.
机译:在过去的十年中。我们已经看到了针对回归模型中未知时间的结构变化的一组新测试的开发,其中最著名的是安德鲁斯(1993,Econometrica 61,825-856)的SupF统计量,安德鲁斯-普洛伯格(1994)的ExpF和AveF统计量,Econometrica 62、1383-14140和Nyblom的L统计量(1989,美国统计协会杂志84,223-230)。这些检验所使用的分布理论主要是渐近的,并且是在维持假设的基础上得出的。回归变量是固定的,这不包括回归变量的边际分布中的结构变化,因此,这些测试从技术上讲不能区分条件分布和边际分布中的结构变化,本文尝试通过推导较大的样本分布来弥补这一缺陷。允许回归变量的边际分布发生结构变化的检验统计量的分布我们发现SupF,ExpF,ExpF,Ave的渐近分布F和L统计量对于回归变量的结构变化不是不变的。为了解决尺寸问题,我们介绍了在小样本中似乎具有合理的尺寸特性。我们的自举理论允许在回归变量中进行任意结构更改,包括结构转换,多项式趋势和外生随机趋势。它允许滞后因变量和异方差错误过程。



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