首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Econometrics >Stationarity and the existence of moments of a family of GARCH processes

Stationarity and the existence of moments of a family of GARCH processes


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This paper investigates some structural properties of a family of GARCH processes. A simple sufficient condition for the existence of the #alpha##delta#-order stationary solution of the processes is derived, where #alpha# #epsilon# (0, 1] and #delta#> 0. The solution is strictly stationary and ergodic, and the causal expansion of the family of GARCH processes is also established. Furthermore, the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of the moments is obtained. The technique used inthis paper for the moment conditions is different from that used in He and Terasvirta (J. Econom. 92 (1999a) 173), and avoids the assumption that the process started at some finite value infinitely many periods ago. Moreover, the conditions for the strict stationarity of the model and the existence of its moments are simple to check and should prove useful in practice.
机译:本文研究了一系列GARCH过程的一些结构特性。得出过程的#alpha ## delta#阶平稳解存在的简单充分条件,其中#alpha##epsilon#(0,1]和#delta#> 0。遍历,并建立了GARCH过程族的因果展开式,并且获得了存在矩的充要条件,本文所用的矩条件技术不同于He和Terasvirta (J. Econom。92(1999a)173),并避免了这一假设:该过程是在无数个无限时期之前开始的,而且,该模型严格平稳的条件和矩的存在性易于检查。并在实践中应证明是有用的。



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