
Immobilisation and bioelectrochemisry of proteins on nanoporous TiO_2 and ZnO films


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In this paper we compare the use of nanoporous TiO_2 and ZnO films as substrates for portein immobilisation and as electrodes for electrocemical reduction of the absorbed protein.These two metal oxides are of particular interest as at physiological pH values their surface charges are counterpoised,their isoelectric points being 6 and 9.5 for TiO_2 and ZnO,respectivley.We find that protein immobilisation on both films may be readily achieved from pH 7 aqueous solutions at 4 degC with a high binding stability and no detectable protein denaturation.However,consistent with the difference in surface charge of the two metal oxides fluorescence protein bidns optimally to the ZnO film.We conclude that,ZnO films may be particularlyattractive for the immobilisation of low IEP proteins.Cyclic voltammetry and spectroelectrochemistry are employee to investigate reduction of immobilised Cyt-c on both metal oxides.Control studies in te absence of adsorbed protein indicate the ZnO film to be more conductive at moderate applied potentials than the TiO_2 film.Studies with adsorbed Cyt-c indicate that the direct reduction of cyt-c is possible on both films without the addition of electron transfer promoters or mediators and that all the proteinon both films is electroactive.However,consistent with the difference in conductivity of the two films,Cyt-c reductionis obsewrved at less negative potentials for the ZnO films relative to TiO_2.This observation suggests that the use of ZnO films may be advantageous for the developemnt of nanoporous biosensors employing reductive electrochemistry.
机译:在本文中,我们比较了使用纳米多孔TiO_2和ZnO薄膜作为固定蛋白的基质和用作电化学还原吸收蛋白的电极的方法。这两种金属氧化物特别受关注,因为在生理pH值下它们的表面电荷被平衡,它们的等电点我们发现TiO_2和ZnO分别为6和9.5。我们发现,在pH值为7的水溶液中于4 degC可以很容易地将蛋白质固定在两层薄膜上,并且具有很高的结合稳定性,并且没有可检测的蛋白质变性。两种金属氧化物荧光蛋白的表面电荷最适合于ZnO膜。我们的结论是,ZnO膜对于固定低IEP蛋白可能特别有吸引力。循环伏安法和光谱电化学是研究固定化Cyt-c在两种金属上还原的方法在没有吸附蛋白的情况下进行的对照研究表明ZnO膜更稠在比TiO_2薄膜适中的施加电势下起作用的研究.Cyt-c吸附的研究表明,两膜上cyt-c的直接还原是可能的,而无需添加电子转移促进剂或介体,并且两膜上的所有蛋白质都是电活性的。 ,与两个膜的电导率的差异一致,相对于TiO_2,Cyt-c还原在ZnO膜的负电位较小的情况下得以实现。这一观察结果表明,ZnO膜的使用可能有利于利用还原电化学技术开发纳米多孔生物传感器。 。



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