首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dentistry >The use of in situ models and QLF for the study of coronal caries.

The use of in situ models and QLF for the study of coronal caries.


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OBJECTIVES: The purpose of the paper is to review aspects of the systems available to model the caries process in enamel. METHODS: The in situ model developed in Liverpool, and the new method of quantifying mineral loss, Quantitative Light-induced Fluorescence (QLF), are described. QLF is a powerful new diagnostic tool which can be used to measure demineralisation and remineralisation in tooth surfaces in vivo; studies to optimise, validate and use QLF in different clinical situations are described. RESULTS: Examples of the use of in situ models show that they are particularly valuable for monitoring de and remineralisation of artificial lesions in relation to product testing as alternatives to clinical trials, and present significant advances over in vitro methods. Quantification of mineral loss by Transverse Microradiography (TMR) as in the traditional Liverpool model has produced much valuable information, but the destructive nature of the method limits experimental design, and removes the system from the clinical situation. As a possible alternative, QLF has been validated and optimised. Longitudinal measures can be made on the same surface, and examples of its use are for monitoring recurrent caries and demineralisation around orthodontic brackets. CONCLUSIONS: While current in situ models provide a major advance over earlier caries models, measurement of de and remineralisation by destructive methods such as transverse microradiography limits the design of experimental investigations. QLF offers significant time saving, reduces the cost of clinical studies, and because the measurements can be carried out longitudinally in vivo, can remove the need for intra-oral appliances carrying experimental tissues.
机译:目的:本文的目的是回顾可用于搪瓷龋齿过程建模的系统的各个方面。方法:描述了在利物浦开发的原位模型和定量矿物质流失的新方法,即定量光诱导荧光(QLF)。 QLF是功能强大的新型诊断工具,可用于测量体内牙齿表面的脱矿质和再矿质。描述了在不同临床情况下优化,验证和使用QLF的研究。结果:使用原位模型的例子表明,它们对于监测与产品测试相关的人工病变的去矿化和再矿化作为临床试验的替代品特别有价值,并且比体外方法具有重大进展。与传统的利物浦模型一样,通过横向显微放射成像(TMR)对矿物损失进行定量已产生了许多有价值的信息,但是该方法的破坏性限制了实验设计,并将该系统从临床情况中移除了。作为一种可能的替代方法,已经对QLF进行了验证和优化。可以在同一表面上进行纵向测量,其使用示例可用于监测龋齿和正畸托槽周围的脱矿质。结论:尽管当前的原位模型比早期的龋齿模型有重大进展,但是通过破坏性方法(例如横向显微放射照相)对脱矿和再矿化的测量限制了实验研究的设计。 QLF可以节省大量时间,降低临床研究成本,并且由于可以在体内纵向进行测量,因此无需携带实验组织的口腔内矫治器。



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