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The gracilarioids in South Africa: long-term monitoring of a declining resource


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In South Africa, gracilarioid red algae have been collected as wash-up to be dried and sold for agar extraction for at least 50 years. Despite much research, there is currently no commercial mariculture of the algae locally although this has been carried out in neighboring Namibia for a number of years. The industry is traditionally confined to Saldanha Bay on the west coast, although small wash-ups of Gracilariopsis longissima have been collected in nearby St Helena Bay. In Saldanha Bay, wash-ups of Gracilaria. gracilis have been very sporadic over the last few decades, with human alteration of the bay configuration possibly responsible for an initial major decline in 1974. This unpredictability in the amounts of wash-up has made the industry unstable and increasingly unprofitable. We compiled the results of previous surveys (some unpublished) of gracilariod populations in St Helena Bay and the Saldanha-Langebaan sytem, and re-surveyed these populations to examine long-term fluctuations. In Saldanha Bay and Langebaan Lagoon, standing stock of G. gracilis was estimated at 538 tons fresh weight and 71 tons fresh weight respectively. Less than 4 tons of gracilarioids are estimated to remain in St Helena Bay. We discuss the fluctuations in biomass and distribution of these South African gracilarioid populations.
机译:在南非,收集了禾本科红藻作为洗出液进行干燥,并出售用于琼脂提取至少50年。尽管进行了大量研究,但是尽管在邻国纳米比亚已经开展了许多年,但当地目前还没有商业性的海水养殖。传统上,该行业仅限于西海岸的Saldanha湾,尽管附近圣海伦娜湾(St Helena Bay)收集到少量的Gracilariopsis longissima碎片。在Saldanha湾,洗了Gracilaria。在过去的几十年中,粪便非常零星,人为改变海湾的构造可能导致1974年最初的大面积下降。这种难以预料的清洗量已使该行业变得不稳定且越来越无利可图。我们汇总了以前在圣赫勒拿湾和Saldanha-Langebaan系统的受精算种群的调查结果(一些未发表),并对这些种群进行了重新调查,以研究长期波动。在Saldanha湾和Langebaan泻湖中,估计的小球藻的鲜重分别为538吨和71吨。据估计,圣海伦娜湾仅剩不到4吨的gracilarioids。我们讨论了这些南非禾本科种群生物量和分布的波动。



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