首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Phycology >Bioremediation potential of three carrageenophytes cultivated in tanks with seawater from fish farms

Bioremediation potential of three carrageenophytes cultivated in tanks with seawater from fish farms


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Intensive fish farming discharges large amount of nutrients, the majority of which are composed of dissolved nitrogen in ammonium form, which promotes eutrophication in coastal waters. Macroalgae have been proven to effectively reduce the nutrients of fish farm effluents and at the same time increase the economic output of the aquaculture system when economically important species are utilized. In this study, the potential of three high value carrageenophytes (Kappaphycus alvarezii, Kappaphycus sp., K. striatum) to extract ammonium in fish farm effluent collected from a milkfish (Chanos chanos) fish cage was investigated. To establish economic viability of the integrated culture system, the effects of elevated total ammonia of fish farm effluent on the growth rate, phycocolloid content, and quality of these seaweeds were determined. Tank cultivation trials showed that the three carrageenophytes substantially reduced the ammonium content of the fish farm effluent (41-66% reduction efficiency) and consequently attained maximum daily growth rates of 4.41%, 2.90%, and 2.75% for K. striatum, Kappaphycus sp., and K. alvarezii, respectively. Their carrageenan content was improved. Carrageenan quality, however, was not significantly enhanced. Elevated ammonium in fish farm effluent did not adversely affect the performance of tank cultivated Kappaphycus; thus, future integration of these seaweeds in fish farms is feasible.
机译:集约化养殖会排放大量养分,其中大部分是由铵态的溶解氮组成的,这会促进沿海水域的富营养化。事实证明,大型藻类可以有效地减少养鱼场废水的养分,同时在利用具有重要经济意义的物种时也可以增加水产养殖系统的经济产出。在这项研究中,研究了三种高价值的角叉菜植物(Kappaphycus alvarezii,Kappaphycus sp。,K。striatum)在从遮目鱼(Chanos chanos)鱼笼收集的养鱼场废水中提取铵的潜力。为了确定综合养殖系统的经济可行性,确定了养鱼场废水中总氨含量升高对这些海藻的生长速度,胶体胶体含量和质量的影响。坦克养殖试验表明,这三种角叉菜属植物显着降低了养鱼场废水中的铵含量(降低了41-66%的效率),因此纹状体Kappaphycus sp的最大日增长率分别达到4.41%,2.90%和2.75%。 。和K. alvarezii。他们的角叉菜胶含量提高了。但是,角叉菜胶的质量并未显着提高。养鱼场废水中铵盐的升高不会不利地影响罐式养殖Kappaphycus的性能;因此,将来将这些海藻整合到养鱼场中是可行的。



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