首页> 外文期刊>Journal of applied microbiology >Developments in microbiological risk assessment for drinking water

Developments in microbiological risk assessment for drinking water


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This paper considers the development of microbiological risk assessment models for pathogenic agents in drinking water with particular reference to Cryptosporidium parvum, rotavirus and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). The available evidence suggests that there is potential for considerable variation in exposures to C. parvum oocysts through drinking water, during both outbreak and non-outbreak conditions. This spatial/temporal heterogeneity arises both from variation in oocyst densities in the raw water and fluctuations in the removal efficiencies of drinking water treatment. In terms of risk prediction, modelling the variation in doses ingested by individual drinking water consumers is not important if the dose-response curve is linear and the oocysts act independently during infection. Indeed, the total pathogen loading on the population as represented by the arithmetic mean exposure is sufficient for risk prediction for C. parvum, BSE and other agents of low infectivity, providing the infecting particles (i.e. oocysts or BSE prions) are known to act independently. However, for more highly infectious agents, such as rotavirus, ignoring the variation and just using the arithmetic mean exposure may over-estimate the risk by a factor of about threefold. If it were to be shown that pathogens co-operate with each other during initiation of infection, such that the dose-response relationship is non-linear, then modelling the variation in doses ingested by individual consumers would be very important. Possible mechanisms for co-operation of pathogens during infection are considered. Simulations show that acquired protective immunity for C. parvum reduces the risk of infection during outbreak conditions by over 10-fold. Variation in virulence between strains of C. parvum is a further source of uncertainty.
机译:本文考虑了饮用水中致病菌的微生物风险评估模型的开发,特别是针对小隐隐孢子虫,轮状病毒和牛海绵状脑病(BSE)。现有的证据表明,在暴发和非暴发条件下,通过饮用水接触小球藻卵囊的可能性都有很大变化。这种时空异质性既源于原水中卵囊密度的变化,也源于饮用水处理去除效率的波动。在风险预测方面,如果剂量反应曲线是线性的并且卵囊在感染过程中独立起作用,则对单个饮用水使用者摄入的剂量变化进行建模并不重要。实际上,以算术平均暴露量表示的人群中总病原体负荷足以预测小球隐孢子虫,BSE和其他低传染性病原体的风险,前提是已知感染颗粒(例如卵囊或BSE pr病毒)能够独立发挥作用。但是,对于轮状病毒等传染性较高的病原体,忽略变异而仅使用算术平均暴露可能会将风险高估约三倍。如果要证明病原体在感染开始期间会相互配合,从而剂量-反应关系是非线性的,那么对单个消费者摄入的剂量变化进行建模就非常重要。考虑了在感染过程中病原体合作的可能机制。模拟表明,获得的小小隐孢子虫保护性免疫将暴发条件下的感染风险降低了10倍以上。细小衣原体菌株之间毒力的变化是不确定性的另一个来源。



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