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The Gram-positive tonsillar and nasal flora of piglets before and after weaning


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Aims: To investigate Gram-positive nasal and tonsillar microbial flora of piglets before and after weaning. Methods and Results: The nasal and tonsillar Gran-positive bacterial flora of 20 nonweaned piglets (2 weeks of age) and 20 weaned piglets (6 weeks of age), obtained from four different piggeries, was quantified by culture and identified by tDNA-PCR. The most widely occurring species from nasal conchae before as well as after weaning in the different piglets investigated were Streptococcus suis and Rothia nasimurium. After weaning a wide variety of Lactobacillus species appeared but in low numbers. In the tonsils, Strep. suis, Strep. dysgalactiae, S. hyicus, S. aureus, Arcanobacterium pyogenes and Actinomyces hyovaginalis were the species isolated from the largest number of pigs before and after weaning. S. aureus and most lactobacilli became more prevalent after weaning. Bacteria not known to be associated with pigs found in the present study included R. nasimurium, Strep. gallolyticus, Pediococcus pentosaceus and some Lactobacillus species. Conclusions: Over 30 different Gram-positive bacterial species may occur in nasal conchae and tonsils of unweaned piglets at 2 weeks of age and of 6-week-old weaned piglets. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study demonstrated that weaning is associated with changes in prevalence of only a small minority of the highly diversified bacterial flora of the nares and tonsils of pigs.
机译:目的:探讨断奶前后仔猪革兰氏阳性鼻和扁桃体的微生物菌群。方法和结果:通过培养对来自四个不同猪场的20头断奶仔猪(2周龄)和20头断奶仔猪(6周龄)的鼻和扁桃体格兰氏阳性菌群进行了培养定量,并通过tDNA-PCR进行了鉴定。在所研究的不同仔猪断奶之前和之后,从鼻甲中出现的最广泛的物种是猪链球菌和Rothia nasimurium。断奶后出现了多种乳酸菌,但数量很少。在扁桃体中,链球菌。 suis,链球菌。 dysgalactiae,S。hyicus,S。aureus,化脓性弧菌和猪放线菌是从断奶前后最大数量的猪中分离的物种。断奶后金黄色葡萄球菌和大多数乳酸菌变得更加普遍。在本研究中发现的与猪不相关的细菌包括R. nasimurium,Strep。没食子菌,戊糖小球菌和某些乳杆菌种。结论:2周龄断奶仔猪和6周龄断奶仔猪的鼻甲和扁桃体中可能存在超过30种革兰氏阳性细菌。研究的意义和影响:这项研究表明,断奶与猪鼻孔和扁桃体高度多样化的细菌菌群中的一小部分患病率的变化有关。



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