首页> 外文期刊>Journal of applied microbiology >Multiplex real-time PCR assays for detection of four seedborne spinach pathogens.

Multiplex real-time PCR assays for detection of four seedborne spinach pathogens.


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Aims: To develop multiplex TaqMan real-time PCR assays for detection of spinach seedborne pathogens that cause economically important diseases on spinach. Methods and Results: Primers and probes were designed from conserved sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (for Peronospora farinosa f. sp. spinaciae and Stemphylium botryosum), the intergenic spacer (for Verticillium dahliae) and the elongation factor 1 alpha (for Cladosporium variabile) regions of DNA. The TaqMan assays were tested on DNA extracted from numerous isolates of the four target pathogens, as well as a wide range of nontarget, related fungi or oomycetes and numerous saprophytes commonly found on spinach seed. Multiplex real-time PCR assays were evaluated by detecting two or three target pathogens simultaneously. Singular and multiplex real-time PCR assays were also applied to DNA extracted from bulked seed and single spinach seed. Conclusions: The real-time PCR assays were species-specific and sensitive. Singular or multiplex real-time PCR assays could detect target pathogens from both bulked seed samples as well as single spinach seed. Significance and Impact of the Study: The freeze-blotter assay that is currently routinely used in the spinach seed industry to detect and quantify three fungal seedborne pathogens of spinach ( C. variabile, S. botryosum and V. dahliae) is quite laborious and takes several weeks to process. The real-time PCR assays developed in this study are more sensitive and can be completed in a single day. As the assays can be applied easily for routine seed inspections, these tools could be very useful to the spinach seed industry.
机译:目的:开发多重TaqMan实时PCR分析方法,以检测引起菠菜经济上重要疾病的菠菜种子传播的病原体。方法和结果:从内部转录间隔区(对于Peronospora farinosa f。sp。spinaciae和Stemphylium botryosum),基因间间隔区(对于Verticillium dahliae)和延伸因子1alpha(对于Cladosporium v​​ariabile)的保守序列设计引物和探针。 DNA区域。 TaqMan分析法是对从四种靶病原体的众多分离物以及菠菜种子上常见的多种非靶标,相关真菌或卵菌和腐生植物提取的DNA进行测试的。通过同时检测两种或三种靶病原体来评估多重实时PCR分析。单数和多重实时PCR分析还应用于从膨大种子和单菠菜种子中提取的DNA。结论:实时荧光定量PCR检测具有物种特异性和敏感性。单一或多重实时PCR分析可以从大量种子样品以及单个菠菜种子中检测目标病原体。该研究的意义和影响:菠菜种子行业中目前常规用于检测和定量菠菜的三种真菌种子传播病原体(变异隐孢子虫,葡萄孢菌和大隐孢子虫)的冻干测定非常费力并且需要几个星期要处理。在这项研究中开发的实时PCR分析更加灵敏,可以在一天内完成。由于该测定可轻松用于常规种子检查,因此这些工具对菠菜种子行业非常有用。



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