首页> 外文期刊>Journal of applied microbiology >Reduced susceptibility of thin Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms to hydrogen peroxide and monochloramine

Reduced susceptibility of thin Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms to hydrogen peroxide and monochloramine


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Pseudomonas aeruginosa attached to alginate gel beads in sparse, thin biofilms exhibited reduced susceptibility to monochloramine and hydrogen peroxide compared with planktonic cells of the same micro-organism. Disinfection rate coefficients for planktonic bacteria averaged 0.551 mg~(-1) min~(-1) for monochloramine and 3.1 X 10~(-4) l mg~(-1) min~(-1) for hydrogen peroxide. The corresponding values for 24-h-old biofilm cells were 0.291 mg min~(-1) and 9.2 X 10~(-5) l mg~(-1) min~(-1) for monochloramine and hydrogen peroxide, respectively. Several pieces of evidence support the interpretation that the reduced susceptibility of biofilm was not due simply to inadequate delivery of the antimicrobial agent to the local environment of the attached cells. No correlation between biofilm susceptibility and biofilm initial areal cell density was observed. Rapid delivery of hydrogen peroxide to the attachment surface, and subsequently to the interior, of the alginate gel beads was visualized by a direct experimental technique. Theoretical analysis of unsteady diffusion and diffusion-reaction interactions also argued against any significant delay or barrier to antimicrobial or oxygen delivery. It was hypothesized that new genes are expressed when bacteria attach to a surface and begin to form a biofilm and that some of the resulting gene products reduce the susceptibility of the cell to antimicrobial agents including oxidative biocides such as monochloramine and hydrogen peroxide.
机译:与相同微生物的浮游细胞相比,铜绿假单胞菌附着在稀疏的藻酸盐凝胶珠上,生物膜较薄,对单氯胺和过氧化氢的敏感性降低。单氯胺对浮游细菌的消毒速率系数平均为0.551 mg〜(-1)min〜(-1),过氧化氢的平均消毒速率系数为3.1 X 10〜(-4)l mg〜(-1)min〜(-1)。一氧化碳和过氧化氢的24小时生物膜细胞的相应值分别为0.291 mg min〜(-1)和9.2 X 10〜(-5)l mg〜(-1)min〜(-1)。几项证据支持了这样的解释,即生物膜药敏性降低的原因不仅仅在于抗菌剂向贴壁细胞的局部环境递送不足。没有观察到生物膜敏感性与生物膜初始面细胞密度之间的相关性。通过直接实验技术将过氧化氢快速递送至藻酸盐凝胶珠的附着表面,然后快速递送至藻酸盐凝胶珠的内部。对不稳定扩散和扩散反应相互作用的理论分析也反对任何明显的延迟或阻碍抗菌或氧气输送的问题。据推测,当细菌附着在表面并开始形成生物膜时,新的基因就会表达,并且某些产生的基因产物会降低细胞对抗菌剂的敏感性,其中包括抗微生物剂,如一氯胺和过氧化氢。



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