首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology >Characterizing Spatiotemporal Variations of Hourly Rainfall by Gauge and Radar in the Mountainous Three Gorges Region

Characterizing Spatiotemporal Variations of Hourly Rainfall by Gauge and Radar in the Mountainous Three Gorges Region


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Understanding spatiotemporal rainfall patterns in mountainous areas is of great importance for prevention of natural disasters such as flash floods and landslides. There is little knowledge about rainfall variability over historically underobserved complex terrains, however, and especially about the variations of hourly rainfall. In this study, the spatiotemporal variations of hourly rainfall in the Three Gorges region (TGR) of China are investigated with gauge and newly available radar data. The spatial pattern of hourly rainfall has been examined by a number of statistics, and they all show that the rainfall variations are time-scale and location dependent. In general, the northern TGR receives more-intense and longer-duration rainfall than do other parts of the TGR, and short-duration storms could occur in most of the TGR. For temporal variations, the summer diurnal cycle shifts from a morning peak in the west to a late-afternoon peak in the east while a mixed pattern of two peaks exists in the middle. In statistical terms, empirical model-based estimation indicates that the correlation scale of hourly rainfall is about 40 km. Further investigation shows that the correlation distance varies with season, from 30 km in the warm season to 60 km in the cold season. In addition, summer rainstorms extracted from radar rainfall data are characterized by short duration (6-8 h) and highly localized patterns (5-17 and 13-36km in the minor and major directions, respectively). Overall, this research provides quantitative information about the rainfall regime in the TGR and shows that the combination of gauge and radar data is useful for characterizing the spatiotemporal pattern of storm rainfall over complex terrain.
机译:了解山区的时空降雨模式对于预防自然灾害(如山洪和山体滑坡)非常重要。然而,关于历史上未曾观察到的复杂地形上的降雨变化的知识很少,尤其是关于每小时降雨的变化。在这项研究中,利用轨距和新近获得的雷达数据研究了中国三峡地区(TGR)的每小时降雨的时空变化。每小时的降水量的空间格局已经通过许多统计数据进行了检验,它们都表明降雨的变化与时间尺度和位置有关。总的来说,北部TGR的降雨比TGR其他部分的降雨强度更大,持续时间更长,并且大部分TGR都可能发生短时暴风雨。对于时间变化,夏季昼夜周期从西部的早高峰转变为东部的下午晚高峰,而中间则存在两个高峰的混合模式。用统计学的话,基于经验模型的估计表明每小时降雨的相关尺度约为40 km。进一步的调查表明,相关距离随季节变化,从暖季的30 km到冷季的60 km。此外,从雷达降雨数据中提取的夏季暴雨的特征是持续时间短(6-8小时)和高度局部化的模式(在次要方向和主方向分别为5-17和13-36 km)。总体而言,这项研究提供了有关TGR中降雨状态的定量信息,并表明将轨距和雷达数据结合起来可用于表征复杂地形上的暴雨时空分布。



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