首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology >Comments on 'Estimation of Tropical Cyclone Wind Hazard for Darwin: Comparison with Two Other Locations and the Australian Wind-Loading Code'

Comments on 'Estimation of Tropical Cyclone Wind Hazard for Darwin: Comparison with Two Other Locations and the Australian Wind-Loading Code'


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Cook and Nicholls recently argued in this journal that the city of Darwin (Northern Territory), Australia, should be located in wind region D rather than in the current region C in the Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 1170.2 wind actions standard, in which region D has significantly higher risk. These comments critically examine the methods used by Cook and Nicholls and find serious flaws in them, sufficient to invalidate their conctusions. Specific flaws include 1) invalid assumptions in their analysis method, including that cyclones are assumed to be at the maximum intensity along their entire path across the sampling circle even after they have crossed extensive land areas; 2) a lack of verification that the simulated cyclone tracks are consistent with the known climatological data and in particular that the annual rate of simulated cyclones at each station greatly exceeds the numbers recorded for the entire Australian region; and 3) the apparent omission of key cyclones when comparing the risk at Darwin with two other locations. It is shown here that the number of cyclones that have affected Port Hedland (Western Australia), a site in Australia's region D, greatly exceeds the. number that have influenced Darwin over the same period for any chosen threshold of intensity. Analysis of the recorded gusts from anemometers at Port Hedland and Darwin that is presented here further supports this result. On the basis of this evidence, the authors conclude that Darwin's tropical cyclone wind risk is adequately described by its current location in region C.
机译:Cook and Nicholls最近在该期刊中指出,澳大利亚达尔文市(北领地)应位于澳大利亚/新西兰标准AS / NZS 1170.2风力标准中的D区,而不是当前的C区。哪个区域D具有明显更高的风险。这些评论批判性地检查了库克和尼科尔斯所使用的方法,并发现它们中的严重缺陷,足以使他们的构想无效。具体缺陷包括:1)分析方法中的无效假设,包括即使旋风越过了广阔的土地面积,也被认为沿整个采样圈的整个路径处于最大强度; 2)缺乏对模拟旋风径迹与已知气候资料一致的验证,尤其是每个站的模拟旋风的年率大大超过了整个澳大利亚地区记录的数字; 3)将达尔文与其他两个地点的风险进行比较时,明显忽略了关键的气旋。此处显示,已经影响到位于澳大利亚D区的黑德兰港(西澳大利亚州)的气旋数量大大超过了。任何选定强度阈值在同一时期内影响达尔文的数量。此处介绍的对黑德兰港和达尔文港风速计记录的阵风的分析进一步证明了这一结果。根据这些证据,作者得出结论,达尔文的热带气旋风风险可以由其目前在C区的位置来充分描述。



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