首页> 外文期刊>Clinical Chemistry: Journal of the American Association for Clinical Chemists >The measurement of platelet-poor plasma serotonin: a systematic review of prior reports and recommendations for improved analysis.

The measurement of platelet-poor plasma serotonin: a systematic review of prior reports and recommendations for improved analysis.


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BACKGROUND: Recent reports of new and important roles for serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) in the periphery have substantially increased interest in measuring peripheral serotonin. Nearly all circulating serotonin is found within platelets and this pool has been assessed by measuring serotonin in whole blood or in platelet-rich plasma. Measurement of the much smaller but potentially critically important pool of human free plasma serotonin in platelet-poor plasma (PPP) has proven much more difficult, with a wide range of reference values reported. CONTENT: To characterize the available data we carried out a systematic literature search of previous reports of PPP serotonin and attempted to determine the best estimate of true PPP serotonin concentration in humans. A total of 101 published reports that included PPP serotonin values in healthy controls were found and included in the summary statistical analyses. The distribution of PPP serotonin values demonstrated high skewness (+1.98), and the reported values ranged from 0.6 to 179 nmol/L, with a mean of 31.6 nmol/L, an SD of 38.9 nmol/L, and a median of 14.8 nmol/L. SUMMARY: Reported concentrations for human PPP or free plasma serotonin were highly discrepant, with most reports giving erroneously high values that should be disregarded. Inherent difficulties in selectively measuring the extremely low concentrations of serotonin present in PPP and in preparing PPP without contamination from platelet-derived serotonin contributed to the problem, as did the failure of researchers to compare their results with those from prior studies. There is a clear and pressing need for reference materials for the measurement of plasma (PPP) serotonin.
机译:背景:关于5-羟色胺(5-羟色胺,5-HT)在外周的新作用和重要作用的最新报道大大增加了对测量外周血清素的兴趣。血小板中几乎发现了所有循环中的血清素,并且通过测量全血或富含血小板的血浆中的血清素来评估该池。在血小板不足的血浆(PPP)中,测量人类游离血浆5-羟色胺的体积要小得多,但可能具有至关重要的意义,但事实证明,要进行测量非常困难,据报道存在广泛的参考值。内容:为了表征可用数据,我们对以前的PPP血清素报告进行了系统的文献检索,并试图确定人体内PPP血清素真实浓度的最佳估计。共找到101篇健康报告中包含PPP 5-羟色胺值的报告,并将其包括在摘要统计分析中。 PPP 5-羟色胺值的分布显示出高偏度(+1.98),报告的值范围为0.6至179 nmol / L,平均值为31.6 nmol / L,SD为38.9 nmol / L,中位数为14.8 nmol /升摘要:报告的人PPP或游离血浆5-羟色胺的浓度差异很大,大多数报告给出了错误的高值,应忽略不计。选择性测量PPP中存在的极低浓度的5-羟色胺和制备不受血小板源性5-羟色胺污染的PPP所固有的困难是造成该问题的原因,研究人员无法将其结果与先前研究的结果进行比较也存在困难。迫切需要测量血浆(PPP)5-羟色胺的参考材料。



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